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Friday, January 6, 2023

Chinese experts attend WHO briefing online to further give update on epidemic information as Western news agencies, politicians insist their double standards no matter how China changes its anti-virus policies

Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5: North Texas doctors closely watching new COVID-19 variant


People enjoy leisure time at a business center in Beijing, capital of China, Dec 24, 2022. In recent days, business areas in Beijing have bustled again as the epidemic prevention and control measures have been optimized in line with the evolving epidemic situation. Photo:Xinhua

People enjoy leisure time at a business center in Beijing, capital of China, Dec 24, 2022. In recent days, business areas in Beijing have bustled again as the epidemic prevention and control measures have been optimized in line with the evolving epidemic situation. Photo:Xinhua

Chinese experts on Thursday attended an online briefing for the World Health Organization (WHO) members to provide a further update on COVID-19 epidemic information. The WHO said that China has stepped up efforts to share information on the epidemic over the past few weeks, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said on Friday.

According to the WHO, China has been uploading genetic sequencing data of the virus and sharing more information about the epidemic over the past few weeks. China is ready to strengthen cooperation with the international community including the WHO to better tackle challenges of the epidemic and protect people's lives and health, said Mao.

Experts from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Southeast University attended the online briefing for member states of the WHO on Thursday, according to the National Health Commission, a latest move by China to carry out close cooperation with the WHO.

At the meeting, the WHO Secretariat briefed member states on the latest situation of the global coronavirus outbreak and vaccination coverage. The Chinese experts introduced China's current measures for COVID-19 prevention and control, variant strains monitoring, vaccination and clinical treatment, and actively exchanged views with member states, according to the health authorities.

Mao said on Thursday that since COVID began, China has shared information and data with the international community including the US in an open and transparent manner, in response to the international community's concerns over China's epidemic situation and requests for more detailed and accurate information.

China has held several technical meetings with the WHO and Mao also briefly revealed the related information at the regular press briefing. Mao confirmed on Thursday that Chinese experts would further inform the WHO of epidemic containment in China in detail and respond to technical issues that are of concern to other parties at the WHO briefing with member states.

Mao noted that facts have proven that China has always maintained close communication with the WHO and shared information and data on the epidemic in a timely, open and transparent manner in accordance with law. 

Mao also stressed that China's COVID situation is under control and called on all countries to take science-based and proportionate COVID response measures in response to some countries' travel restrictions targeting travelers from China 

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 Western news agencies, politicians maintain insistence on their double standards no matter how China changes its anti-virus policies

Passengers wait for trains at the Hankou Railway Station in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province, on December 30, 2022, ahead of New Year's Day. Photo: IC

Passengers wait for trains at the Hankou Railway Station in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province, on December 30, 2022, ahead of New Year's Day. Photo: IC 

No matter how China decides to deal with the COVID-19 epidemic, some Western media and some Western politicians will never be satisfied.

Over the last three years, when China adopted a strict virus prevention and control policy and effectively protected the health and safety of its people, some Western pundits relentlessly made unfounded criticism, demanding China to "open the door," otherwise there would be "no freedom and human rights." 

However, at the end of 2022, when China optimized and adjusted its domestic epidemic prevention policy according to the changes in the global situation, some Western politicians and media outlets began to blame China for being a "threat" to other countries' defense in terms of the pandemic.

Analysts pointed out that this is another collective political shows put on by certain countries in the West, and once again they want to blame China for the pandemic in order to contain and isolate China.

With their clumsy political performances, they are trying to create a new round of division and confrontation, which will seriously hinder swift collective global recovery from the haze of the pandemic, analysts said.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Tuesday that the US and other countries are taking health measures targeting people traveling from China to protect their citizens, and China should not take retaliatory measures.

Mao Ning, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson, responded on Wednesday, stating that "We have noted that, recently, some people in the US have made comments on China's COVID policy adjustment. We also noted that many people have said if the US had not politicized the pandemic, and had treated it responsibly and put people's lives first like the Chinese government did, perhaps the COVID situation in the US and the whole world would not have become what it is today."

"We truly hope the focus will be on tackling the virus rather than politicizing the COVID issue, and countries can step up solidarity and make joint efforts to defeat the global pandemic as soon as possible," she noted.

Never-ending biases

Some Western media outlets have politicized China's efforts to prevent and control COVID while taking the epidemic as a political tool to defame China.

The New York Times, for example, pointed fingers at China in a report on December 27, 2022, claiming that China did little in using three years to bolster its health system and launch vaccination drives targeting millions of vulnerable senior citizens. 

Such a biased tone is rampant in certain Western media coverage that exaggerated the epidemic crisis in China through exaggerating sensationalist stories, extreme tragic cases in hospitals, and horrific images at crematoria across the country.

These narrative and tactics are very familiar to most Chinese people as these rhetoric and tactics have been used in earlier reports that had tarnished China's "dynamic zero-COVID" policy before China optimized its policy and eased its epidemic control measures. 

For example, on November 16, 2022, the New York Times published an article entitled "What videos show about the extremes of China's 'zero-COVID' policy." In an attempt to delegitimize and smear China's epidemic control policies, the article stated that the Chinese government had employed extreme measures such as separating children from their parents and enforcing strict punitive measures for violators. 

In fact, China had used the last three years to learn from the ever-developing global pandemic situation. From 2020 to 2022, China's monthly case fatality rates have seen a drastic decline. 

What's more, vaccination rates increased over the last three years which has effectively slowed severe morbidity. By December 23, 2022, China's 31 provinces have seen 3.47 billion doses of vaccination administered, with the coverage rate of the whole population exceeding 90 percent, according to domestic media reports.

A top official from the National Health Commission (NHC) said in a recent interview that the Chinese government had anticipated increased demand for medical treatment while optimizing epidemic prevention management, and was trying to delay peak infections as much as possible by increasing the availability of fever clinics and related medicines.

By contrast, some Western countries, with much more advanced medical systems and being rich in resources, have scored poorly in preventing and controlling their local epidemics if we look at, for instance, the over 1 million death toll in the US attributable to COVID-19. 

Another risk constantly hyped and exaggerated by Western media is that China's mass infection could create a "potential breeding ground" for new variants to emerge.

"The fact that 1.4 billion people are suddenly exposed to SARS-CoV-2 obviously creates conditions prone to emerging variants," French media France 24 quoted experts as saying. 

Similarly, the Washington Post portrayed China as "a threat to the entire world" because "it's escalating toll of infections could generate new variants that might be more transmissible or cause more severe disease."

But these accusations turned out to be groundless. China has been closely tracking the new strain. Xu Wenbo, an official at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said on December 22, 2022 that hospitals across the country would collect patient samples and upload the sequencing information to a new national database, allowing authorities to monitor possible new strains in real time. 

Scientifically speaking, the strains currently circulating in China are primarily BA.5.2 and BF.7, which are already prevalent around the world. That means that, as the Washington Post put it, "Variants can emerge from anywhere." A particularly aggressive new strain of the Omicron variant, XBB.1.5, is taking hold in New York and the northeast of the US. US CDC models say the XBB variants represent about 40.5 percent of the total infections in the US, according to the Washington Post.

Health experts in many countries have said there is no need to impose entry restrictions on travelers from China. Some analysts point out that this is yet another collective political performance by certain countries, who once again want to blame China for the pandemic in order to contain and isolate China.

People enjoy dinner services at a restaurant in Beijing on December 24, 2022. Photo: Li Hao/GT

People enjoy dinner services at a restaurant in Beijing on December 24, 2022. Photo: Li Hao/GT

Unremitting smearing

In the last three years since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, China has made every possible effort to protect the lives and health of the Chinese people while fighting and curbing various mutations of the virus. From a global perspective, China's severest disease and death rates are among the lowest. 

Meanwhile, some Western countries buried their heads in the sand early on, unwilling to deal with the reality of COVID-19 when the virus was most ferocious, leading to heavy loss of life. But they tried hard to avoid talking about the heavy price they had paid, and instead repeatedly blame others. 

In the early stage of the pandemic, when the Chinese people were at the forefront of the valiant fight against the rampant spread of COVID-19, media outlets in the West such as the New York Times (NYT), The Economist, and The Guardian failed to portray the real situation when they should have, but were quick to use underhanded tropes to perpetuate double standards against China's efforts.

Some Western media outlets have systematically stigmatized China and created Western political discourse against China. For instance, "isolation" is called "blockade," and anyone who praised China's work was termed as "catering to China."

Let us not forget that some Western media outlets and Western politicians insisted on calling COVID-19 the "Wuhan virus" to stigmatize an innocent city and incite racist sentiment against Chinese people around the world.

In March 2020, two tweets by NYT posted 20 minutes apart showed how Western media have unashamedly engaged in double standards. The two posts described China and Italy's response to the epidemic - in the first tweet, the NYT Twitter account claimed that China's isolation measures came "at great cost of people's livelihood and personal liberties"; whereas 20 minutes later, while talking about Italy's similar actions, the newspaper praised it for risking its own economy to stop the spread of what was Europe's worst epidemic at the time.

"The measures those [Western] countries have taken were just to stage a political stunt," said Shen Yi, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University. "Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the performance of these countries was obvious to all. For example, the US, which had advanced medical resources and public health emergency response capacity, scored very poorly in COVID-19 prevention and control," he told the Global Times.

"If these countries could divert just 1 or 2 percentage points of their thoughts from smearing China, would we have reason to believe that the global fight against COVID-19 would see a light at the end of the tunnel sooner?" asked Shen. 

Collusion with US government

In the political logic of some people in Europe and the US, no matter whether China decides to "open the door" or "close the door," it is wrong either way. Some Western media and politicians' opinions change with the wind, analysts said.

Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, noted that some Western media outlets in fact cooperate and collude with the US government. "Some Western media are responsible for smearing and attacking China's epidemic control policy no matter what China does."

These media outlets did not report China's epidemic prevention and control measures based on fact but they tried to use it to smear China's international image and weaken China's governance and influence. 

"Such behavior can be called a tragedy. But this is reality," Li said. 

"The US government enlisted some media to use the COVID-19 pandemic as a political tool. So they smeared China's anti-pandemic contributions in China and other parts of the world. They did this to help US gain advantage in an international competition," he said. 

Shen noted that for other countries and regions, they should avoid using China as a scapegoat, and instead, they should have implemented effective COVID-19 control measures. However, the situation looks less rosy at the moment. The U-turn as characterized by certain countries' words and moves related to China's adjustment of epidemic control measures is an all-out sign of a desire to attack China. 

Meanwhile, China has gained a clear understanding of the post-pandemic situation, as the rest of the world employs electron microscope-level scrutiny as led by American and Western public opinion and anti-China politicians, analysts noted.

"If there is a slight flaw, it will be magnified infinitely. If they cannot find a flaw, they will just create one," Shen said. 

"China's great contributions to the global fight against the pandemic are undeniable. We don't need to listen to those biased and malicious voices," he stressed. "After all, the road is under our own feet." 

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Thursday, January 5, 2023

NASA chief’s hawkish remarks another pathetic attempt, exposes US own hegemony and colonial ambitions

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT m Illustration: Liu Rui/GT 


Chinese experts battered the latest round of attacks from NASA chief Bill Nelson, saying his smearing remarks against China's space development are yet another ridiculous and pathetic attempt to hype the "China threat" theory to get more funding, which only exposes the US' own hegemonic and colonial ambitions.

In an interview with POLITICO, Nelson said the race to the moon between the US and China is getting tighter and the next two years could determine who gains the upper hand.

He warned that Beijing could try to "dominate" the locations they step foot on the lunar surface or even try to "keep the US out," while citing the Nansha Islands as an "example" to prove his point. 

The remarks angered Chinese researchers and commentators who have repeatedly made clear that China's exploration of the moon is dedicated to the advancement of humanity. 

"Being a former astronaut himself, it is pathetic that he would play the trick of a thief crying 'stop thief,'" Song Zhongping, a space analyst and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Tuesday. 

It is an established fact written into the United Nations Outer Space Treaty and others that the moon does not belong to any country in the world, while the Nansha Islands are indisputably part of China's territory. Comparing these two shows that Nelson does not even understand international law or the Outer Space Treaty, Song noted.

Nelson's attempt in a way reflects the mentality that the US wants to colonize the moon and consolidate its own hegemony in space, analysts said, evident in the new space version of an "Enclosure Movement" of the Artemis program, which gathered "like-minded" partners such as Canada, Japan and Europe but excludes China and Russia. 

Nelson's remarks failed even to convince its own scholars. Victoria Samson, Washington director of the Secure World Foundation, said she is dubious about the "moon brawl," noting that China, like the US, is a party to the Outer Space Treaty, which bars nations from making territorial claims on any celestial body, including the moon, POLITICO reported.

It will be difficult for any nation to maintain a long-term human presence in deep space, she said, which makes the claims more unrealistic.

Nelson's remarks followed US congressional approval to fund NASA with $24.5 billion in fiscal 2023, about half a billion dollars less than US President Joe Biden had requested.

While still expressing "confidence" that the next moon mission could happen as planned to send a crew into the moon's orbit by 2024, he admitted that the agency is "under intense pressure" because it has been forced, as a cost-saving measure, to reuse all the avionics inside the Artemis I capsule for Artemis II.

Huang Zhicheng, a Chinese expert in aerospace science and technology, told the Global Times on Tuesday that NASA, with a lot on its plate including the operation of the International Space Station, the Artemis program and deep-space exploration projects, is hyping the "China threat" theory to get more money, as the just-concluded Space Launch System is already years behind schedule and billions of dollars over budget. 

There is still a huge gap in the budget and many problems to solve for the US' manned moon landing to succeed, Huang said. 

Specifically, Boeing that is undertaking the rocket launch tasks for the Artemis program has a chaotic management and it is hard to get the tasks done on time. For another thing, the moon lander being developed by SpaceX is yet to achieve its designated progress, and if the lander cannot be completed successfully this year, it may further delay the entire project, Huang noted. 

Publicly attacking China's space program has become routine for NASA in the past few months. In December, the NASA chief accused China of being "one of the very few nations" that would not be partners with the US and that it is being "very secretive" in terms of space programs. In September, Nelson accused China of lacking needed transparency over issues. In July, the NASA chief blatantly claimed that China is "trying to occupy the moon." In May, he said that China stole the US' space technology. 

"These accusations fired by NASA are unfounded and unjustified," Song said. "China has always had a cooperative and open attitude in the space sector." 

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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

China rejects using COVID measures for political purposes, vows to take corresponding measures based on reciprocity principle


Beijing Daxing International Airport Photo: Xinhua


While EU countries are scheduled to meet on Wednesday on a coordinated response to the epidemic situation in China, about a dozen countries have imposed fresh travel regulations on travelers from China, which are considered as "temporary, unnecessary and lacking scientific basis," some Chinese official and experts said. 

They also believed that the new regulations are "just a waste of time and resources," and some excessive measures are unacceptable, which are political manipulation and discriminatory. 

In response to those moves, Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that the country will take corresponding measures in response to varying situations based on the principle of reciprocity.

Health officials from EU countries will hold talks on Wednesday after a similar meeting was held urging the EU countries to test passengers arriving from China on December 29 as China is poised to ease travel restrictions on January 8. 

A spokeswoman for the Swedish presidency of the EU was quoted as saying in a Reuters report that "there's a scheduled Integrated Political Crisis Response meeting on Wednesday, January 4, for an update of the COVID-19 situation in China and to discuss possible EU measures to be taken in a coordinated way." 

Only France, Italy and Spain require tests in the 27-nation bloc, and France also urged the EU on Sunday to follow suit as the country obliges passengers on flights from China to present proof upon boarding of having tested negative for COVID-19 less than 48 hours before takeoff. 

Belgium will test wastewater from planes arriving from China for new COVID variants as part of new steps against the spread of the coronavirus as infections in China surge, Reuters reported, citing the government announcement on Monday.

Some countries outside the EU also imposed similar restrictions, for example, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said recently that from January 5, travelers boarding flights to the US from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Macao would need a negative COVID-19 test or proof they had recovered from a previous infection. 

The requirements also apply to passengers arriving in the US via a third country and to those connecting to other destinations through the US.

However, some countries may see a change in their policies. Passengers from China who arrive in the UK next week will not face compulsory COVID-19 tests on arrival, British media outlet The Independent reported on Monday, after the government is reportedly bringing back travel restrictions for passengers from the Chinese mainland starting from January 5. 

Mao Ning, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said at a routine press conference on Tuesday that since China released the provisional measures, many countries have responded warmly to them. We appreciate this and will continue to adapt and adjust our COVID response measures in light of the latest COVID situation, better facilitate the safe and orderly cross-border travel of Chinese and foreign nationals and international exchange and cooperation.

Regarding the restrictions targeting travelers arriving from China, my colleague responded to relevant questions last week. I'd like to reiterate China's position. We stand ready to step up communication with the rest of the international community and work together to prevail over COVID, Mao said. 

"Meanwhile, we do not believe the entry restriction measures some countries have taken against China are science-based. Some of these measures are disproportionate and simply unacceptable. We firmly reject using COVID measures for political purposes and will take corresponding measures in response to varying situations based on the principle of reciprocity," Mao said. 

Some major reasons cited by Western media in explaining the new restrictions imposed by some countries on travelers from China include growing worries over a lack of information from China on variants and concerns about resurgence of infections. However, some health professionals doubt that whether the rules are necessary and feasible. 

"I think that requiring a PCR test for every traveler is unnecessary. As the world is now mainly preventing more virulent and more transmissible variants, it's more important to conduct on-site sampling to track variants through genomic sequencing," Chen Xi, an assistant professor of public health at Yale University, told the Global Times on Tuesday. 

Many countries are now fully largely vaccinated in order to prevent a large outbreak of mutated variants while still worrying about new subtypes of Omicron, which probably makes the genomic sequencing more effective than PCR tests, Chen said. 

"I believe those countries' travel ban is only temporary, as China just relaxed its COVID-19 response and cases began to increase. Yet I believe their measures of detecting samples from arrivals from China, as well as requiring test results from those passengers, are just a waste of time and resources," an expert close to Chinese CDC told the Global Times on Tuesday on the condition of anonymity. 

The COVID-19 cases are ballooning all around the world and it is possible that new variants could be appearing in any country, he said. "The most important thing is that disease control departments all around the globe keep monitoring new variants and keep the public informed," the expert noted. 

"Maybe politicians like to hype such a threat, and show their people that the government is doing something to protect its people from danger, but from a virology perspective, I think those restrictive measures are unnecessary," he said. 

Health experts from many countries have said that the main variant now spreading in China has previously been found elsewhere already, and that a new variant can emerge anywhere on the planet, which means entry restrictions targeting China are unnecessary, Mao said. 

"China always believes that for all countries, COVID response measures need to be science-based and proportionate. They should not be used for political manipulation, there should not be discriminatory measures against certain countries, and measures should not affect normal travel and people-to-people exchange and cooperation," Mao stressed.  

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West’s attempts to deny China’s three-year effort against COVID by criticizing a short period of imperfection will end up in vain; by criticizing China’s COVID policies, West is getting its retaliation in first



Tuesday, January 3, 2023

West’s attempts to deny China’s three-year effort against COVID by criticizing a short period of imperfection will end up in vain; by criticizing China’s COVID policies, West is getting its retaliation in first


Children skate at a business center in Beijing, capital of China, Dec 24, 2022. Photo: Xinhua


After easing epidemic restrictions, China is facing a new wave of COVID infections. And Western media is wasting no time promoting the narrative that China's three-year fight against the virus is ending in failure. Take a CNN article published on Wednesday. It suggests that zero-COVID was supposed to prove China's supremacy, but it went so wrong. 

CNN compared the start of 2022 - "when Beijing showcased the success of its COVID containment measures by keeping the coronavirus largely at bay from the Winter Olympics" - with the "chaos and disarray" by the end of the year. 

It's not hard to find that those who once smeared China as "authoritarian" because of strict COVID containment measures are the same group of forces who are now accusing China of walking into "chaos and disarray" after its COVID policy is optimized. This time, they have a vicious goal - to deny China's whole efforts over the past three years, to discredit China's national governance fundamentally. 

China's 2022 journey started from the Winter Olympic Games, the first global comprehensive sports event that has been successfully held as scheduled since the outbreak of the pandemic. Later, some cities and regions, represented by Shanghai, went through a rebound of COVID cases. At the end of the year, China gradually adjusts its policies, initiating a transition mode toward returning to normalcy. 

Unlike the previous two years, the major virus that confronts China in 2022 is Omicron. Soon after the virus was spotted in China by the end of 2021, it is realized that Omicron spreads fast and outpaces other variants of coronavirus where community transmission occurs. China's epidemic prevention and control measures in 2022 can be argued as a process of constant adjustment and optimization in the face of the changing situation of the epidemic. As it turned out, Omicron can hardly be blocked, but is less virulent than earlier strains like Alpha and Delta. Against this backdrop, China has decided to open up. The result now does prove that it is more transmissible, but the percentage of cases causing severe illness is low.

However, one can feel the barely contained glee in Western journalists' reporting when touching upon this round of infections. After all, China's previous response made the policies of quite a few Western countries look inept by comparison and, because of the same reason, made their elites anxious. 

Yet those Westerners' attempts to deny China's three-year effort against COVID by criticizing a short period of imperfection will end up in vain. In terms of China's fight against the epidemic, one cannot separate 2022 from the two previous years. To grade China's handling of the public health crisis, one should examine it based on the big picture. 

First, whether people's lives and health are well protected is beyond all doubt the top criterion. China not only avoided the high mortality rates like those in the US and European countries, but also witnessed a steady growth in life expectancy. By contrast, US life expectancy has dropped to the lowest level since 1996. 

Second, China's economic development was not so much disturbed. China is the only major economy in the world with positive GDP growth in 2020. As grocery store shelves across the US were wiped clean and have stayed empty for quite a long time, there is no such situation in China. Nor has China ever faced severe inflation like in developed countries. China's domestic market supply is basically operating in full motion. Against the backdrop of this winter, this can be described as a miracle, Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times. 

Neither is there social turmoil in China, expected by the West. Some people have complaints, but most trust the government. Because the achievements made over the past three years are solid, thanks to China's institutional advantages. Take two examples. China has always put the people and their lives first when dealing with the epidemic; China is capable of pooling resources and mobilizing forces from all quarters to confront major challenges. Quite a few Western countries have failed that test. 

Omicron did cause a shocking wave in China. Yet as Liang Wannian, head of China's COVID-19 response expert panel under the National Health Commission, said, some Chinese cities have passed or are passing the first wave of peak infections without frightening widespread levels of death. This is because we have postponed the easing of restriction, kept away from the time when the virus was the most savage.

By the end of 2022, there are problems and imperfections. But China has done relatively the best in battling the virus. There is no major panic during the latest COVID wave, because people know that the principle "nothing is more precious than people's lives'' still prevails. And the Chinese society will never head toward a point where the natural selection of the human species is becoming a reality, or in other words, Social Darwinism, like what has been going on in the West. 

Western media outlets and elites are only accusing China to make themselves feel better. The truth is, there will be pains in China's transition period, but the day the West wants to see - when China is trapped in a worse quagmire of the epidemic than the West - will not come. 

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 By criticizing China’s COVID policies, West is getting its retaliation in first

llustration: Chen Xia/GT


For almost three years, China's dynamic zero-COVID policy was phenomenally successful, particularly when compared to other countries like the UK and the US which appeared to place their economies above the health of their citizens.

Those countries in the West poured scorn on China, alleging its behavior was damaging to its economy and therefore - because so much of the world is mutually connected to China's economy - impacting negatively the West's wealth. These criticisms came because those countries, when striking a balance between safeguarding their people's wellbeing and protecting their economies, found a different center of balance than China. They were prepared to take greater risks than China, and for this China was castigated.

Today, those other countries are continuing to pour scorn on China, but this time the criticism is because China has changed direction. But their motivations are the same: they are concerned about the impact not on public health, but on their economies.

In the media, reports are mostly heavily negative. Their tone exposed in language, often at odds with what might be expected to be dispassionate, objective reportage. Terms like a "tsunami" of infections, the state "rushing" to respond, an "abrupt" or "screeching U-turn" in policy are used to suggest that the new measures are unplanned or panic-stricken. There has been frequent, and pointed, mention of China's system, as if this alone was costing people's lives. Correspondents, some of them not even in China, have been relying on what they themselves acknowledge to be unverified anecdotal stories and supposed leaks of information which have not been confirmed.

In their eyes, it seems, China cannot win: it is damned, whatever it does.

China's zero-COVID policy was not perfect, but it is undeniable that it saved many lives. In the US, about 1.1 million deaths have been registered as resulting from COVID. In the UK - where the government knowingly sent thousands of infected elderly hospital patients into care homes where they passed on the sickness to other residents and staff: condemning them to their deaths - about 213,000 have died.

Even allowing for different counting and classifying methodologies and other factors, the differences are stark, and the conclusion is clear: Dynamic zero-COVID worked.

China walked the tightrope to keep its people alive. The US and UK lost their balance and fell. When the protests in China began, they were almost gleefully reported in the West as proof that a policy which saved millions from death or disability was no good. And still the criticism comes. How can countries which sacrifice their own citizens for the sake of their economies then feel able to criticize others? No politicians in the West have earned that right.

Now, we are seeing the media outside China reporting "concerns" that China may lose control and possibly enable new COVID variants to escape into the world. Whether it is the London-based international news agency Reuters, or Germany's state-owned broadcaster Deutsche Welle, or America's state-funded National Public Radio, stories are repeated, calling for the West to brace itself for a surge in COVID; that China is "losing its grip" on the virus. Those stories regularly suggest that it is the Chinese system to blame. Conveniently, there is no suggestion that Western capitalist "democratic" system is at fault.

Why are they so smug? Perhaps they are getting their retaliation in first. This is a saying which describes the behavior of a cynical individual who knows they are in the wrong, but who hopes that a distraction technique of blaming someone else even before a catastrophe has occurred will lessen the chance of the cynical individual being held responsible.

The author is a journalist and lecturer living in Britain. 

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COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
Last updated: January 03, 2023, 11:16 GMT

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Monday, January 2, 2023


The European union’s big battle to keep technology behemoths in check rages on.


THE European Union is on a mission to get US tech giants to stop avoiding tax, stifling competition, profiting from news content without paying and serving as platforms for disinformation and hate.

Last month, the European Commission announced that online retail giant amazon had agreed to make changes to its software to end two EU inquiries into its treatment of third-party sellers on its online marketplace.

the EU also warned Elon musk that twitter could be subject to sanctions under a future media law after the “worrying” suspension of several journalists from the messaging platform.

Here is a summary of the tussles between Silicon Valley and Brussels.

Stifling competition

The digital giants are regularly criticised for dominating markets by elbowing out rivals.

Last July, the European Parliament adopted the Digital markets act to curb the market dominance of Big tech, with violations punishable with fines of up to 10% of a company’s annual global sales.

Brussels has slapped over Us$8bil (rm37.7bil) in fines on Google alone for abusing its dominant market position.

In 2018, the company was fined Us$4.3bil (rm20.2bil) – the biggest ever antitrust penalty imposed by the EU – for abusing the dominant position of its android mobile operating system to promote Google’s search engine.

Google lost its appeal against that decision in September 2022, though the fine was reduced to Us$4.1bil (rm19.3bil).

the firm is also challenging a Us$2.4bil (rm11.3bil) fine from 2017 for abusing its power in online shopping and a separate Us$1.5bil (rm7.1bil) fine from 2019 for “abusive practices” in online advertising.

the EU has also gone after apple, accusing it of blocking rivals from its contactless iphone payment system, and fined microsoft Us$561mil in 2013 for imposing its browser, Internet Explorer, on users of Windows 7.

The European Commission is also looking into whether Facebook’s parent company, meta, broke antitrust laws by linking its personal social network to its classified ads service, Facebook marketplace.

Turning to taxation

The EU has had less success in getting US tech companies to pay more taxes in Europe, where they are accused of funnelling profits into low-tax countries like Ireland and Luxembourg.

In one of the most notorious cases, the European Commission found in 2016 that Ireland granted illegal tax benefits to apple and ordered the company to pay Us$13bil (rm61.2bil) in back taxes.

But the EU’S General Court later overturned the ruling, saying there was no evidence the company broke the rules.

The European Commission also lost a similar case involving amazon, which it had ordered to repay Us$250mil (rm1.2bil) in back taxes to Luxembourg.

In October 2021, following extensive lobbying by European countries, the G20 group of nations agreed on a minimum 15% corporate tax rate.

Personal information

Tech giants are regularly criticised over how they gather and use personal data.

The EU has led the charge to rein them in with its 2018 General Data Protection regulation, which has since become an international reference.

Companies must now ask for consent when they collect personal information and may no longer use data collected from several sources to profile users against their will.

Amazon was fined Us$746mil (rm3.5bil) by Luxembourg in 2021 for flouting the rules.

Meanwhile, Irish authorities have gone after meta twice this year.

Last September, they fined Instagram, a meta subsidiary, Us$405mil (rm1.9bil) for breaching regulations on the handling of children’s data.

and in November, they fined Facebook Us$265mil (rm1.2bil) over a massive data leak involving the details of more than half a billion users.

Fake news and hate speech

Social networks, particularly Facebook and twitter, are often accused of failing to tackle disinformation and hate speech.

In July, the European Parliament approved a Digital Services act that forces big online companies to combat hate speech, disinformation and piracy or face fines of up to 6% of their global turnover.

It comes into effect in 2023.

Paying for news

Google and other online platforms are also accused of making billions from news without sharing the revenue with those who gather it.

To tackle this, an EU law in 2019 created a form of copyright called “neighbouring rights” allowing print media to demand compensation for use of their content.

France was the first country to implement the directive.

After initial resistance, Google and Facebook agreed to pay French media, including AFP, for articles shown in web searches.

That did not stop the company from being fined Us$500mil (rm2.4bil) by France’s competition authority in July 2021 for failing to negotiate “in good faith”, a ruling Google has appealed.

Facebook has also agreed to pay for some French content.-AFP/The Star Malaysia 2 Jan 2023

Friday, December 30, 2022

2023 shows tip of mast and it represents hope, the righteous path of mankind lies in Great Unity


Braving the waves. Illustration: Liu Rui/GT


2023 is coming, and its mast tip has emerged from the sea level. This represents more of a hope for the world that has experienced various uncertainties, crises, and changes in 2022. For both China and the world, 2022 is destined to be marked in a unique position. As the time comes to a new junction, people are faced with another choice and test on how to make the future better.

The overlapping effects of changes unseen in a century and a once-in-a-century pandemic reached a phased peak in 2022. Climate disasters, geopolitical tensions and confrontations, soaring food and energy prices, a sluggish economic recovery - a series of crises in both traditional and non-traditional security areas put world history again at the crossroads of turmoil or stability and recession or prosperity. The sudden outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is the biggest "gray rhino" event. It is a consequence of the long-term US and Western push for bloc security and camp confrontation in Europe, and its spillover effects are still profoundly evolving. Today, more than 30 years after the end of the Cold War, it offers a sober reminder again for the world that security has become problematic and development has been threatened on this planet.

If 2022 is a mirror, it probably reflects the world's confusion, perplexity and hesitation at a new junction. This is also the current state of many countries in the world. Needless to say, 2022 has been a difficult year for China as well. From external changes and impact of the epidemic to the economic slowdown, there was no challenge that can be easily tackled. Even at this moment, many Chinese people are still fighting COVID-19. But China is a major power that knows best where it stands and where it's headed. The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China contains both clear guidance on which direction to go and specific planning framework. The clarity of policy and stability in the medium and long term is obviously a crucial institutional advantage today, giving the Chinese people the courage and confidence to enter 2023.

At the crossroads of history, should we build bridges and pave roads or build high walls and deep fortifications? Should we choose win-win cooperation or a zero-sum game? Different choices lead to different fates.

In 2022, absurd theories like the "New Cold War" and "global NATO" emerged one after another in the US and the West, and obsolete concepts such as hegemonism and power politics have revived. However, this has inspired people to cherish peace and attach importance to development. The urgency of global challenges has forced countries to cooperate, and the unilateral manipulation of "decoupling and breaking chains" has accentuated the significance of multilateralism. Under the shadow of the war and the pandemic, the success of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and the Qatar World Cup not only made people feel the charm of sports but also offered the world a warm and healing embrace, showing the great power of peace and unity.

The more turbulent the world is, the more we need the power to put people at ease. It has become a strong voice of the times that we need peace rather than war, development rather than recession, openness rather than isolation, and cooperation rather than confrontation. In his 2023 New Year's message, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that "in 2023, we need peace, now more than ever." 

Where is the new path for peace and development? The world is still exploring. But solutions offered by China are being recognized by many countries around the world. In April, the Global Security Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022 aroused widespread resonance in the international community and has been regarded as a powerful weapon to defend the shared values of all humankind. This initiative, together with the Global Development Initiative proposed by President Xi in September last year, will serve as an international public good and shine even brighter in the world in 2023.

It is foreseeable that the year 2023 will not be easy either. China is facing the new challenge of better coordinating epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development. It still needs to continue to overcome all the difficulties on the way. And the world is hovering on the edge of war and peace and the light at the end of the tunnel has yet to appear. 

However, we can still be full of new expectations for the world, because, under its imperfect performance, an upward growth force has broken through the ground - that is the earnest expectation for a better life, the powerful voice for fairness and justice, and the firm pursuit of win-win cooperation. Unremitting down-to-earth striving is the bridge to the future.

The times are catching up. China has taken a big test in 2022, which made us stronger and more determined. We kept marching forward while biting the bullet. Navigating through wind and storm, we never stopped. As the new year's bell is about to ring, we embrace 2023 with open arms, expecting it to become a new year for China to "roll up our sleeves and work hard" and provide the world with an inexhaustible supply of positive energy. 

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The righteous path of mankind lies in Great Unity 


This picture taken on November 16, 2022 in Bangkok shows signage for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Photo: Xinhua This picture taken on November 16, 2022 in Bangkok shows signage for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Photo: Xinhua

The world in 2022 is not peaceful: War began on the European continent, the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended, global food and energy problems have become prominent, and the world economic recovery is stumbling. What is presented to the world unprecedentedly is a profound change in the world, the times and history.

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is a brutal extension of the post-Cold War global geopolitical reality. Abnormal terms from the US and the West, including the "global NATO," "parallel world," and "new iron curtain," emerged. Concepts that should die out, such as the Cold War thinking, bloc confrontation, and power politics, took the opportunity of the chaos to rise up. In the third decade of the 21st century, 30 years after the end of the Cold War, turmoil and crisis alerted the world to the fact that security is facing problems and development is being threatened on this planet.

"Security is the precondition for development and humanity are living in an indivisible security community," said Chinese President Xi Jinping in April this year when he solemnly put forward the Global Security Initiative at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022, providing the international community with practical new ideas and paths for jointly maintaining world peace and security.

"Global development would be impossible without a peaceful and stable international environment," noted President Xi in November in a discussion about the Global Security Initiative at the 17th G20 Leaders' Summit. He profoundly clarified the importance of security for development and promoting a more inclusive, universal and resilient global development.

With the wisdom of the East and the vision of China as a great nation, the Global Security Initiative is connected to the well-being of humankind. It focuses on sore points in security, reflecting the global consensus and arousing universal resonance.

Risky, peculiar situation in great changes unseen in a century

The Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has dragged on for 10 months, has severely depleted the strategic resources of both sides and produced incalculable spillover effects.

Statistics show that energy and food prices in the Eurozone continue to climb, with the annual inflation reaching 10.7 percent in October, a record high. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused global food shortages and soaring commodity prices outside Europe. Many developing countries have fallen into extreme poverty and hunger, and the specter of bankruptcy and unrest is hovering above them.

Achieving peace is not only a humanitarian pursuit, but also a key to sustaining global economic recovery and growth. In the face of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China always stands on the side of peace and justice and decides its position and policy based on the merits of the matter. It has been actively promoting peace talks in its own way.

In a phone conversation with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on December 20, President Xi stressed that China stays committed to promoting peace talks and believes that a protracted and complicated crisis is in no parties' interests. China supports the EU in demonstrating its strategic autonomy and in leading the establishment of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture to realize enduring peace and long-term stability in the European continent.

To put out the flame, not fan it - this is the consensus and expectation of most countries. However, contrary to the general vision of the international community, the US and NATO so far have no intention to put an end to the conflict. On December 20, the US House of Representatives announced the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023, to provide $45 billion in emergency funding to support Ukraine. This will be the largest US aid to Ukraine to date, far exceeding the $37 billion aid requested by the White House to Congress in November.

After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO members agreed to invite Finland and Sweden to join the alliance. They have also taken a series of measures to transform and strengthen their organization. This created a "collective fear" about the security of Europe and even the world. NATO, which was already showing signs of being "brain dead," was able to "resurrect" and strengthen.

The essence of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is precisely the outburst of geopolitical conflicts between Russia and NATO that have long accumulated after the Cold War. Fundamentally, this is the evil consequence that US' Cold War thinking and hegemonic policies have resulted in. NATO's constant expansion and long-term containment of Russia triggered the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Shining a light of hope from security predicament

The US and Western countries have long been clinging to hegemonic thinking and ideological barriers, which are against the general development trend of the times and are the source of the current crisis and chaos of the world.

Facing the crisis and chaos three decades after the end of the Cold War, the world needs a calm and profound reflection.

Faced with the spread of violence and conflicts, rampant terrorism, global pandemic, and the threat of nuclear war and annihilation, no country can stand alone. History and reality have repeatedly shown us that there is neither a paradise of absolute security in the world, nor is there an isolation from the security of the world. No country can seek its own absolute security by itself, and no country can recover and stay stable from the turmoil in other countries.

Abandoning hegemony and confrontation and pursuing peace and development are the well-being of all mankind. It is for this reason that the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind put forward by the Chinese leader is hailed as "the only future for humanity on this planet"; the Global Security Initiative advocating joint maintenance of world peace is regarded as a "powerful weapon to defend the common values of all mankind."

Security is the most basic and universal appeal and desire of all human beings, and the basic prerequisite for human survival and development.

The Global Security Initiative is another international public product provided by China in the field of global governance, and it will lead human society with a clear path to a world of lasting peace and universal security.

Reflection on security under hegemonic dominance

Since the beginning of 2022, when the US' Biden administration passed the Inflation Reduction Act to implement a discriminatory subsidy policy, and when the US-led NATO pursued absolute security and Russia counterattacked, the negative effect of hegemony on security has been clearly exposed to the world - the old historical dream of American hegemony runs counter to the general trend of the era of peaceful development and win-win cooperation.

The root cause is that the US ignores the security and development needs of other countries, ignores the development and changes of the international pattern, and is obsessed with maintaining its own hegemony and the "center-periphery" international political and economic structure. In this structure, Western countries with the US as the head are at the core, while non-Western countries are permanently squeezed out to the periphery.

This is also the root of the security dilemma in today's world: the US and the West are continuing their hegemony, ignoring or even suppressing the rise of the non-Western world as a whole, and are extremely selfish in dealing with international security issues.

The so-called "the US and the West representing the world" is destined to be a geopolitical fantasy. Most countries reject the democratic narrative peddled by the US and the West, and even more refuse to choose sides in the great power competition promoted by the US.

The clamor to "change China's environment" is just the wishful thinking of the US. At this year's Shangri-La Dialogue, the Asia-Pacific countries' "suppression" of China that the US had expected completely came to nothing. Indonesian Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto in his speech urged countries to respect China's "rightful rise back to its position as a great civilization."

Being obsessed with "containing China's influence" will lead to nothing. A few days ago, the US hosted the US-Africa Leaders Summit again after eight years. Anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly that this summit is exactly the same as the US-ASEAN Special Summit held earlier this year, the 9th Summit of the Americas, or the US-Pacific Island Country Summit, which are to suppress China's influence. This seems to have become the focus of the US' diplomacy, but is doomed to futility in the face of real Chinese contributions.

In the world's pursuit of common security and common development, the hegemonic rhetoric of the US has failed.

Using security challenges and "China threat" as a gimmick will not restore the credibility and influence that the US has lost during its decades of hegemony. The vast majority of countries in the world will not disregard peaceful development.

What all countries need is a real peace dividend, and they hope to find a rational balance between security and development. In the face of the US, which insists on turning the Pacific Ocean into a "battlefield of great powers," countries in the region worry about it and refuse to "dance" with the US.

Seek the way of Great Unity with the heart for the world

The recent FIFA World Cup held in the Middle East was full of excitement, and so were the eye-catching "triple summits" - the China-Arab States Summit, the China-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit and the China-Saudi Arabia Summit.

As China's largest and highest-level diplomatic action to the Arab world since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it reflects the strategic choice of China and Arab countries to strengthen solidarity and coordination amid global challenges.

From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Samarkand, the G20 summit in Bali, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Bangkok to the latest "triple summits," during President Xi's three overseas visits around the 20th CPC National Congress, he met bilaterally with leaders of more than 40 countries, promoting the Chinese belief of solidarity, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win to the world.

From jointly promoting the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to building a community with a shared future for mankind, from putting forward four-point proposal regarding escalating Palestine-Israel conflict, proposing a five-point initiative on achieving security and stability in the Middle East, to putting forward the "Initiative of Peaceful Development in the Horn of Africa," China coordinates security and development in line with new changes around the world and cope with new challenges, and continue to enrich and develop solutions to world security issues.

The Global Security Initiative put forward by Xi takes the new vision on security as the guiding principle, mutual respect as the fundamental requirement, indivisible security as the important principle, and building a security community as the long-term goal, in order to foster a new type of security that replaces confrontation, alliance and a zero-sum approach with dialogue, partnership and win-win results.

Since its founding, the People's Republic of China has never initiated war and has always been a builder of world peace. China firmly upholds the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and has always been a defender of the international order. The country has always been a mediator on hot issues: seeking solutions to the Ukraine crisis, the Palestinian issue, the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and the Afghanistan issue.

By promoting the implementation of the BRI and leveraging such platforms as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), China has injected vitality into global economic stability and recovery, and remains a provider of international public goods.

The Global Security Initiative and the Global Development Initiative proposed by Xi in 2021 complement each other. They echo the trend of the era for peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, coordinate security in both traditional and non-traditional fields, seek the "greatest common divisor" and draw the "greatest concentric circles" in the international community, and provide new support for the security and development of all countries.

The righteous way of the world lies in Great Unity. 

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Health Screening Appointments can be made on MySejahtera while users unable to access appointment details; MOH steps up Covid-19 awareness|


Health minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa says appointments for outpatient treatment and other visits in 2023 may be made on the MySejahtera app starting today.

MySejahtera services to include booking for hospital, clinic appointments .

MySejahtera Expands Appointments Feature For Klinik ...

PUTRAJAYA: Patients can expect shorter waiting times at government health facilities now that the appointment system in MySejahtera has been expanded to include other services like outpatient treatment, says the Health Minister.

“The services that will be included are outpatient treatment, National Health Screening Initiative (NHSI), Peka B40 health screening, pre-employment/pre-education health inspection, pre-marriage screening (KBM), Stop Smoking Service, family planning services, and health procedures such as wound treatment and others,” Dr Zaliha Mustafa said.

The service has been implemented in 673 health clinics in phases beginning with the NHSI programme, PeKA B40 and KBM.

It will be expanded to other services in stages to also address overcrowding at registration counters, she said in a statement yesterday.

She said her ministry is committed to digitalising all health systems in line with its Digital Strategic Plan 2021-2025 under the second Core Strategy, which is the Strengthening of New Technology.

She said the appointment system was meant to help health facilities plan and arrange their service schedule based on their capacity.

Dr Zaliha also said among the advantages of this online appointment system is that clients can plan visits to primary health facilities according to the scheduled time.

“Other than that, clients can change their schedule through the MySejahtera app without having to call the health facility.

“This system will also have an automated reminder so that clients can attend their appointment according to the schedule date and time,” she said.

She added for emergency cases such as fever or contagious diseases, the public can straight go to any clinic without having to make any appointment.

The appointment system in MySejahtera for 2023 is already active and bookings can be made immediately. 

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MOH steps up Covid-19 awareness | The Star


Travel curbs targeting China 'discriminatory,' against trend

Most countries around the world have welcomed China's move to open up to travelers from all over the globe and ...

Passengers walk out of Haikou Meilan International Airport on December 9, 2022. Photo: VCG