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Monday, October 14, 2024

Urgent need to plug brain drain;China SMEs look to invest in Penang

Business group proposes tax breaks and work visas to retain talent

PETALING JAYA: Immediate action should be taken to stem the growing trend of skilled Malaysians seeking employment overseas, says the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (KLSCCCI).

Its president Datuk Ng Yih Pyng said the brain drain is a critical issue, particularly as Malaysia continues to attract substantial foreign investments but struggles with a shortage of local talent.

Ng emphasised the need for comprehensive measures in Budget 2025 to retain skilled professionals in the country.

“Last year, Bank Negara said nearly 500,000 Malaysians, mostly skilled professionals, were working overseas.

“To become a global leader in high-tech industries, addressing this brain drain is crucial,” he said at the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) 78th annual general meeting here yesterday, which was attended by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Ng proposed introducing tax breaks and work visas as incentives to attract and retain talent within the country.

He suggested the government explore policies to encourage foreign graduates from Malaysian institutions to begin their careers here.

“By granting work visas to foreign graduates in specialised areas, we can enhance our workforce and stimulate economic growth.

“This initiative should focus on roles that are challenging to fill, ensuring our local talent are not sidelined,” he added.

Ng spoke of the potential benefits of such policies for the education sector, saying that offering career opportunities to foreign students post-graduation would make Malaysia a more attractive destination for international education.

“This strategy not only tackles the brain drain but also solidifies Malaysia’s role as a hub for skilled professionals, promoting regional cooperation and advancement during our Asean leadership,” he said.

Beyond addressing the talent shortage, he called for additional funding in Budget 2025 to support the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are pivotal to Malaysia’s economy.

He proposed increasing grant support and creating more flexible financing options for businesses in key sectors such as manufacturing and services.

“We recommend additional funding in Budget 2025 to further drive digital integration and boost efficiency.

“Establishing clear guidelines and a proper follow-through process will ensure these grants are accessible and utilised effectively,” he added.

Ng expressed gratitude for the government’s ongoing support for SMEs, particularly through initiatives like the SME Digitalisation Grant, but stressed that more needs to be done to bolster their resilience in the face of rising costs.

“Providing tax cuts and grants to SMEs can help ease financial pressures and promote job creation.

“This will enable SMEs to invest in new technologies, expand operations, and remain competitive locally and globally,” he said.

Take immediate action to address brain drain, urges ... 

Take immediate action to address brain drain, urges Chinese Chamber of Commerce president


GEORGE TOWN: Some 50 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from China are seeking opportunities to expand their businesses in Penang following the influx of over RM400mil into the state.

Malaysia Extra Low Voltage Association (Melvian) assistant secretary Cheah Chaw Son said that the Chinese companies want to explore opportunities in home furnishings, bio pharmaceuticals, technologies, advertising services, and eCommerces with local partners.

Melvian is an industry body that comprises companies providing ICT, audio and visual, security, and data network infrastructure solutions.

The SMEs from China are set to take part in a business matching session on Oct 22 at G Hotel to find suitable local business partners, that is being organised by Melvian

“In the first half of 2024, Penang attracted RM411.8mil in investment from China. For the past decade, Penang roped in RM13.2bil investments from China that formed 6.8% of Penang’s total foreign investments, with a 50.5% compounded annual growth rate.

“The influx of these funds into Penang attracted the companies’ attention. The Silicon Island development and the upcoming light rail transit project connecting Komtar and Bayan Lepas on the island also enhanced the state’s competitive edge as a pivotal investment hub,” he added.

Cheah is confident that Malaysia’s projected gross domestic product (GDP) growth for 2024 and 2025 will continue spur investors’ interest in the state due to the country’s robust economic health.

“The Socio-Economic Research Centre has projected that Malaysia would close the year with 5.4% GDP growth, sustaining at healthy clip of 5% in 2025,” Cheah said.

The companies would take part in a business matching session on Oct 22 at G Hotel to find suitable local business partners.

Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah will officiate the event jointly organised by Melvian, Small and Medium Enterprises Association, Meta Ex, and Honor Innovation Sdn Bhd.

“The event is also to commemorate 50 years of Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations,” he said.

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Appreciating Asean


Regional togetherness: Asean’s first summits were irregular and distantly spaced. Now two summits are held regularly every year. — Bernama

Asean is a realities-grounded institution with certain strengths, which are hidden only to those who fail to appreciate them.

AS regional summits go, Asean’s has been growing by leaps and bounds. Not that this positive attribute is universally acknowledged, as is typical with Asean attributes.

Asean’s first summits were irregular and distantly spaced, and at one point even 12 years apart. Now two summits are held regularly every year, either together or spaced apart by months, with related Asean-led meetings in series.

Between summits, several hundred meetings of Asean officials are held each year to implement, oversee, and calibrate policies. The numerous meetings have prompted a misperception that Asean is merely a talkshop. 

Asean’s irregular summits proved that Asean leaders meet only when needed, as circumstances require, and not for the sake of meeting. Asean has never prioritised form over function, or ceremony over substance.

Asean is popular and successful for the common familiarity and shared comfort level leaders feel when they meet. These come only with frequent meetings forming a seamless web of mutual and reciprocal goodwill.

Critics cite the failure of the 2012 Asean Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Cambodia to issue a joint communiqué at its conclusion as a sign of weakness and inefficacy. But it takes decisiveness to opt not to issue a statement rather than produce a bland and meaningless one just for the sake of doing so.

Formal meetings are judged by how or whether they serve their purpose while in session, not by the feel good diplomatic summaries issued afterwards. As a process, Asean proceedings have seldom if ever been “full glasses”, but the uninitiated would see the “glasses” only as half-empty.

Asean’s core purpose has always been the quality of membership relations. How others see it is up to them, but this is no more than a concern for Asean’s public relations department if there is one.

Laos’ Asean chairmanship this year and its hosting of the 44th and 45th Summit over the week have predictably been scrutinised critically. A typical complaint is the seeming absence of any definitive resolution on the Myanmar impasse or the South China Sea disputes.

No annual summit is like a task force producing fail-safe solutions for outstanding issues. A small and underdeveloped Laos is already doing its best tackling the mammoth logistical and financial demands of hosting a series of international conferences at the highest official levels.

Any other country chairing Asean this year would face the same challenges. Asean makes no judgment about the economic status of members while helping less endowed members fulfil their financial obligations.

Asean is better at avoiding upheavals like Myanmar’s or war-torn Cambodia’s before its 1999 membership, than in conclusively resolving conflict that has occurred. It’s still not perfect, of course.

Asean’s record still compares favourably with the European Union’s, which failed to prevent the Kosovo and Ukraine wars. Nato (the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) as a military alliance may mitigate these conflicts but has instead instigated and amplified the Ukraine war.

The EU and Asean were once described as the world’s most successful regional organisations, in that order, but that was before Brexit, when Britain exited the EU in 2020. No Asean country has sought to leave despite some challenges, while several countries not eligible to join have nonetheless tried.

The next and final member of Asean is Timor-Leste, the former Portuguese territory and Indo-nesian province of East Timor. It is the only sovereign nation in South-East Asia still to join Asean.

Others, from Sri Lanka and Papua New Guinea to Mongolia and Turkey, have reportedly sought Asean membership, but were never seriously considered. Timor-Leste is different not least because it is in South-East Asia, although its Asean journey has been long and challenging.

In 2006 Timor-Leste submitted a “soft application” to join, and the following year Asean signalled a “willingness in principle” to consider it. Most Asean member states endorsed its application, but not all.

Meanwhile Dili worked hard to fulfil membership requirements by acceding to Asean norms and conventions, including the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in South-East Asia. It even introduced Asean Studies in schools, unlike most Asean countries.

Dili formally applied to join Asean in 2011, and Asean responded in 2022 with an “agreement in principle” to admit it. Membership remains a work in progress, with the Laos Summit during the week a part of that journey.

The state of the South China Sea’s multiple disputes has also been taken as a measure of Asean’s competence. Any catastrophe resulting from the disputes would be of concern to Asean as it would be to anyone else.

However, the disputes are between individual sovereign nations as neighbours and involves less than half the Asean membership. Asean is quietly confident that they can be resolved or are resolvable with time, provided there is no ulterior motive or foreign agenda at play.

Asean understands that the region has managed challenges before and wants that to continue. Anything less will not be Asean, nor will the region be sovereign.

Bunn Nagara is director and senior fellow at the BRI Caucus for Asia-Pacific, and an honorary fellow at the Perak Academy. The views expressed here are solely his own.

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Soaring rental market - what it means


The Malaysian rental market saw significant growth in the second quarter of 2024 (2Q24), with rents rising faster than anticipated, a trend that could have important implications for the property industry.

According to the recently released 2Q24 IQI Malaysia home Rental Index, the average rent reached RM1,995, a 3.9% increase from the previous quarter and 2.9% higher than the same period last year.

“This index by IQI analyses over 70,000 residential rental transactions between 2018 and 2Q24,” said Juwai IQI co-founder and group chief executive officer Kashif Ansari.

“It provides insights into new leases signed each quarter and offers valuable information on current rental market trends for tenants and investors.”

Accelerating growth

One of the key takeaways from the report is that, for the first time in a year, rental growth has accelerated rather than slowed. The current rate of increase suggests the market is on an upward trajectory, largely due to factors such as demand recovery, seasonal shifts and the return of international students.

“Our earlier forecast was that rental rates would climb moderately by 0% to 3%, but the index has already increased by 3.9%, more quickly than expected,” explained Ansari. “We now update our forecast and project that the index will have increased at an annual rate of 5.5% by the 1Q25.”

For the property industry, this is a clear signal that demand for rental properties remains robust, particularly in urban centres like Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. The surge in rents could prompt developers and investors to explore opportunities in both existing properties and new residential developments.

Regional disparities

The report also highlights significant regional disparities, with Kuala Lumpur maintaining higher rental prices than the national average. Rents in the capital are now 44% higher than the country-wide average and 51% above rents in neighbouring Selangor.

“In Kuala Lumpur, rents in the 2Q24 were up 5.7% compared to a year ago,” Ansari noted. “Selangor, by contrast, saw rents climb by 6.2%, but the overall cost is still much more affordable than in Kuala Lumpur.”

For the property industry, this disparity could encourage more development in suburban or neighbouring areas.

As affordability becomes a bigger concern for families and individuals, developers may focus on building in regions like Selangor, where rental prices are lower but demand is increasing.

“The affordability gap between Kuala Lumpur and Selangor may have encouraged some renters to move from the capital to more affordable neighbouring areas,” said Ansari. “The ability to work remotely has probably given further stimulus to this internal migration.”

The Covid Discount

Despite the rise in rents, many tenants are still benefitting from what the report calls the “Covid Discount”. This discount reflects the fact that rents have not yet fully rebounded to their pre-pandemic levels, particularly in high-demand areas like Kuala Lumpur.

“even though the inde climbed in the 2Q24, many renters still enjoy what we call the ‘Covid Discount’,” Ansari explains. “The average Malaysian renter now pays RM499 less in rent, which is a 20% discount from before the pandemic.

“In KL, the Covid discount is even bigger – renters are paying RM1,301 less on average, which is a 31% discount.”

This has significant implications for both renters and investors. While tenants continue to enjoy more affordable rents, the gradual recovery of the rental market means that prices are likely to rise further as economic conditions improve.

“Investors, on the other hand, may see the current market as a buying opportunity, expecting rents to return to pre-pandemic levels in the near future.”

For investors, the Covid Discount may present a buying opportunity, Ansari adds.

“If you anticipate rental income to bounce higher, closer to historic levels, in the future, buying now may enable you to benefit from income growth and capital appreciation.”

2Q24 figures show a 3.9% increase, which is 2.9% higher than the same quarter last year  The projecd annual growth rate is expected to reach 5.5% by the 1Q25

Stable yields

For property investors, the report offers positive news on rental yields, which remained stable across the country at 5.2% during the 2Q24. This stability makes Malaysia an attractive destination for investors seeking consistent returns from rental properties.

“Gross rental yields in Malaysia put the country in the top half of selected Asian countries, making residential investment property in Malaysia regionally competitive,” notes Ansari.

The stability in gross rental yields provides a degree of predictability for investors, allowing them to plan long-term strategies with confidence.

Developers may also see this as an opportunity to focus on regions with strong rental yield growth, such as Subang Jaya, where yields jumped by 0.6% to a new high of 6%.

“The location with the biggest increase in yields is Subang Jaya.

“This suggests a potentially favourable environment for property investors.

“The overall stability in yields benefits the rental market by making outcomes more predictable for both investors and occupants.”

Future growth

Looking ahead, the report suggests that economic growth will play a crucial role in shaping the property market, with rental rates expected to rise further.

The forecasted 5.5% annual increase in rental prices by 1Q25 reflects the broader recovery in Malaysia’s economy, which is likely to bring improvements in employment, disposable incomes and consumer spending.

“The slower recovery in some areas may be due to the economic challenges the country faced during the pandemic era,” Ansari points out.

“Now that Malaysia seems to be moving into a new growth cycle, we may expect to see a recovery in rental rates and further improvements in employment, disposable incomes and consumer spending.”

For the property industry, this presents both opportunities and challenges.

Developers will need to balance affordability concerns with the growing demand for rental properties, while investors will need to stay vigilant for changes in market conditions.

“The market is already showing signs of recovery and investors will focus on regions and property types that they anticipate will grow most quickly,” says Ansari.

With stable rental yields and the potential for rents to rise as the economy strengthens, the outlook for the Malaysian property industry remains positive.

Developers, investors and policymakers will need to adapt to the evolving market dynamics to capitalise on the opportunities ahead. - By JOSEPH WONG

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MyDigital ID tops one million registered users


MyDigital ID Records Over 1 Mln Registered Users - Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: Over one million users have registered for MyDigital ID less than a year since its implementation.

MyDigital ID Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Mohd Mirza Mohamed Noor said this demonstrated Malaysia's readiness to embrace digital transformation, ensuring an easier and more secure way to access government and private sector services online.

"We are incredibly grateful to our users for their confidence in MyDigital ID and their proactiveness in protecting themselves in an ever-challenging digital future.

"Their participation plays a vital role in realising Malaysia’s MyDigital ID’s aspirations, and it is clear that Malaysians are ready to make the shift towards secure and efficient digital services,” he said in a statement on Friday (Oct 11).

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He emphasised that this achievement marks an important milestone in Malaysia's journey to becoming a digitally driven nation, adding that it also highlights the increasing awareness and enthusiasm among Malaysians in embracing digital technology.

Mohd Mirza remarked that as Malaysia enhances its digital transformation, MyDigital ID acts as a trusted digital key, offering quicker, safer and more convenient access to essential services while safeguarding user privacy and data integrity.

"Currently, the MyDigital ID application has been integrated with several government applications, such as the Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS) Mobile, MySejahtera, MyGov portal as well as MyJPJ. The platform will also see integration with popular applications in the future,” he said.

MyDigital ID's comprehensive services include access to secure e-government services, in addition to banking, telecommunications and healthcare.

ALSO READ: Integration with MyJPJ app postponed, not cancelled, says MyDigital ID boss

To register, users can download the MyDigital ID app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and sign up without visiting kiosks. After registration, Malaysians can log into various apps and portals using just one verification system, making it easier to manage access.

He also noted that the MyDigital ID system verifies users' identities for government platforms and transactions without collecting personal data. Instead, it compares details from MyKad and the user’s fingerprint or facial features with existing records from agencies like the National Registration Department (NRD) during the registration process.

"The implementation of MyDigital ID marks a pivotal step towards a more user-friendly and secure digital environment, aligned with the government’s vision of harnessing technology to empower its citizens.

"MyDigital ID Sdn Bhd would also like to emphasise and assure Malaysians that MyDigital ID does not store any biometric data of its users. It also does not collect, monitor or store personal data, all while ensuring users do not have more than one digital identity as safety measures,” he said. - Bernama