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Showing posts with label Trump Virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Virus. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2020

America’s 5 Stages of Grief Over China’s Rise; Trump and wife test positive for Covid-19


Whenever people face a huge loss in life — like a sudden divorce or death of a family member — they go through five stages of grief. These stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. The U.S. is about to lose its top spot as the biggest economy and is, in a textbook manner, going through the same stages.

Denial: Some people like Kishore Mahbubani predicted twenty years ago that China will eventually be the leading economic powerhouse. But Americans chose denial and laughed at the concept. The popular beliefs behind the denials were:

  • China’s economy will collapse any moment now!
  • China will eventually become just like the West and then we will have nothing to worry about.
  • China is a totalitarian, communist country. They don’t understand capitalism or free market, and thus will never be rich.
  • China can never innovate. The workers are just slaves and bots.
  • China makes only crappy products and thus can never compete with western brands.
  • As soon as Chinese people travel to the West and see how glorious the West is, they will go back to China and overthrow the tyrannical and corrupt communist government.
  • China’s GDP numbers and other stats are fake!
  • China’s patents and scientific publications are of low quality.
  • Chinese products will never succeed outside China.
  • We can always nuke China and maintain our hegemony.
  • COVID19 will surely bring China down. And all the countries will start decoupling from China.
Alas, none of those happened. China miraculously kept advancing. Without a single recession in forty years, the engine of China kept roaring. China’s communist party grew the GDP 50x in forty years, lifted 800 million people out of poverty, created the world’s largest middle class, fostered innovative companies, and built a vibrant and all-around successful society. (See my blog on China’s global leadership)..

Anger: After denying reality for a while, people become angry. They feel like victims and start blaming others. That’s exactly what’s been happening, especially since Trump came to office. The anger is reflected in following ways:
  • China stole America’s jobs.
  • China stole intellectual property from the U.S. (after all, Chinese can’t innovate, remember?)
  • Chinese are spies and hackers.
  • China doesn’t buy anything from us.
  • China doesn’t treat U.S. corporations fairly. China is too protectionist.
  • China subsidizes its corporations. Not fair!
  • China made the coronavirus in the Wuhan lab. China tricked us into a lock down.
  • China bad, China bad, China bad!

: This is the hopeful phase. It’s like saying after the divorce, “Maybe I can get my wife back.” This phase is not always benign; it can involve a lot of ruthless scheming as seen in the last four years:

  • If we can just force China to buy more from us, we can eliminate trade deficit and make America great again.
  • Tariffs will cripple China and also force American companies to bring manufacturing jobs back.
  • If we just arrest Huawei’s CFO and kill the company with sanctions, China will bend its knee.
  • Let’s go on an all-out attack on every successful Chinese company. That should do the trick!
  • Let’s use Hong Kong and Uyghur separatists to disrupt China. How about using India and Taiwan to start a war?

None of these seem to be working, although military conflicts are possible (with devastating impact on global economy). America’s tech war will only spur more Chinese innovation and self-reliance.

Depression and Acceptance: We are not here yet. The U.S. is still trying hard to stop China, rather than planning for an inevitable post-American era,  which will start within five years. The geopolitically smart strategy will be to skip the stage of depression and go to acceptance. That will translate to embracing multilateralism and partnering with China, EU and Russia to forge a multi-polar world order for the 21st century. However, with so much Sinophoba and hubris in the U.S., no politician or think tank will dare propose such a solution. So … get ready for American depression.
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Thursday, May 7, 2020

US media-NGO-politician institution weaves coronavirus conspiracy: Exclusive with Grayzone founder

Unpacking the institutional lies in the US: Exclusive with The Grayzone founder

 Grayzone reporter talks Xinjiang, COVID-19 and western mediabr

 In recent years, the U.S. and China have wrestled on several major international issues – from human rights to international trade – that reflect as much about their differences in political philosophy as the latter's rise. CGTN's Zeng Ziyi recently talked to Ajit Singh, journalist and contributor at The Grayzone, about what he learned from reporting on Xinjiang, the role of western media, as well as what he calls the U.S.' new "Cold War" with China.

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Founder of The Grayzone disputes conspiracy theories targeting China Expert: 

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This is one of three parts of “US using coronavirus to escalate new Cold War with China: Exclusive with founder of The Grayzone”

1. US media-NGO-politician institution weaves coronavirus conspiracy: Exclusive with Grayzone founder

2. Unpacking lies that aim to deceive US into war with China: Exclusive with Grayzone founder

3. Bipartisan hardliners use coronavirus to escalate Cold War with China: Exclusive with Grayzone founder

Editor's Note: The Grayzone, a US-based independent news outlet, recently published a story busting the conspiracy theory of COVID-19 escaping from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, adding that it is “the Trump administration’s Iraqi WMD.”

Apart from digging into stories behind the conspiracy theories, the Grayzone also released many reports related to Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in recent months. For example, it released a report in March that stated “forced labor” stories hyped by some Western and US media and US-based nongovernmental organizations are orchestrated by the “US government, NATO, arms industry to drive Cold War PR blitz.”

To learn more about The Grayzone and its work, the Global Times reporter Liu Xin(GT) spoke to Max Blumenthal(B), an award-winning journalist and founder of the Grayzone.

GT: First, let's talk about your recent work on the stories behind the conspiracy theory. How did you investigate this topic?

B: First of all, no American outlet has invited me to discuss this latest story, where I and my colleague Ajit Singh have exposed a conspiracy theory in one of the biggest newspapers in the US, the Washington Post and Fox News, which is advanced by the president, as completely false.

We haven't been invited to debate the authors. We are not invited to debate people who favor escalating the Cold War with China. We've simply been ignored. And, at the same time, we've seen many stories in the New York Times, and other papers like Politico in the past two days about how China is advancing disinformation, and they are all sourced to US officials who are not named.

I really thank you for bringing me on. This is the only outlet that has asked me to come on board. It also shows that we are unfortunately in a kind of information war where the truth doesn't matter. The American people are not going to be exposed to the truth, and my goal with the Greyzone is to interrupt the drive to war and sanctions and hostility by simply presenting the American people and the English-speaking public with a balance, with the other side. To do so, we exposed, what we call, the lie of the day.

Every day there's a new lie, and it's advanced under the banner of, supposedly, free and independent media. But if you look at the stories, you'll often see, according to US officials, or according to this research scientist, or they'll link to an article. But, we simply go into the sources that expose what they are!
Photo: screenshot of The Grayzone

For example, in our story about how the Washington Post advanced this conspiracy theory about the Wuhan Institute of Virology and how, supposedly, COVID-19 escaped during an experiment at the Wuhan lab. One person stood out in that article, who was quoted, named Xiao Qiang. He was quoted as a research scientist, but I thought that sounds funny. A research scientist, this is not a virologist, someone who studies viruses. This is not an epidemiologist who studies epidemics. I immediately assumed this person is a Chinese dissident.

I was right! I just looked up Xiao Qiang on the National Endowment for Democracy. This is the US government entity that funds, supports, and trains opposition movements from around the world to support regime change. I quickly learned along with my colleague Ajit Singh that Xiao Qiang's whole career has been supported by the NED. This is a dead giveaway and a clear sign that something is strange about this article.

I've done extensive work on the NED. I produced a documentary about it. And, from what we've shown, it was created by the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency, under the Reagan administration, in order to do what the CIA used to do secretly but to do it openly to support opposition movements, like the movements in Hong Kong.

I'm an American journalist. I've been working for almost 20 years in the US media environment as someone who comes from the left, who opposed the war in Iraq and exposed the Bush administration's lies. And, I know about the neoconservative movement. It is the pro-war movement that moves between both Democratic and Republican parties, and it has a lot of influence in Washington.

I knew that the author of the Washington Post story, Josh Rogan, was a big part of the neoconservative movement. He had actually worked at the Japanese Embassy in the past and is someone predisposed to pushing narratives that advance the new Cold War with China. I don't present myself as a China expert, nor do I say that I'm a Russia expert. But I'm an America expert, and I know the institutions and the people that have been driving us into endless war for the last 20 years. And in some cases, I know them personally. So that gives me a big advantage to investigate such stories.

GT: We have noticed an anti-China campaign there. How did the US politicians and media work together to push this?

B: We've just seen that with the introduction of this Chinese lab theory on how US politicians and the media work together, as well as with NGOs and think tanks. I think this is a perfect example.

On April 14, it appears in the Washington Post, through a very anti-China columnist, in the opinion section. But it is under the banner of a paper that many people trust. The columnist himself admits there is no evidence to prove that COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan lab, but the piece gets shared widely by Democrats and Republicans.

The following day, a similar piece appears in Fox News, which is the favorite network of President Trump and the Republican Party. This network says officially, US sources say that they believe the virus escaped from Wuhan Institute of Virology. The State Department Secretary Mike Pompeo, who is the most militaristic member of the Trump administration, also said this.

Screenshot from a Fox News report, which say sources believe the disease started in a Chinese lab.

The State Department was behind this story. They had leaked cables from the US Embassy in Beijing to reporters, claiming that there were safety issues at the lab. Actually, the cables, if you read them closely, state that these experiments, which were being done into coronavirus and SARS, were very important.

They're distorting the cables. Fox News reports this in the day. One of the most extreme pro-war Senators, Tom Cotton, appears and says, "China is responsible for every death," "China has to be punished," and "China has to be sanctioned."

Fox News opens up a propaganda blitz with all of its hosts calling for China to be punished. They're cultivating Republican opinion for the new Cold War very successfully.

You can see very clearly that the State Department leaks information to the media. The media spins the story and presents it to the public. Then, politicians issue calls for new policies of militarism and extreme hostility to China. If you look closely, in these stories, various people from the NGO sector are quoted as sort of experts. But as I mentioned before, there are people like Xiao Qiang, who are not, in fact, experts who are activists paid by the US government.

GT: Do you think the US media have objectively reported on China's anti-virus efforts? Did the biased reports prevent the American public from learning more about this epidemic?

B: Absolutely. I have not been to China. I would have to go to Wuhan and see for myself and speak to doctors and speak to people to know the response. But none of the people who present themselves as experts in the US have done this. Many of them have reasons to turn up the heat on China and to escalate with China. Some come from think tanks, which are funded by the arms industry, and some are directly funded by the State Department as well.

Others are ideologically anti-Communist. They want to break the Chinese Communist Party. Many people come to this from different directions. Some resent China because the US moved many jobs to China. And I personally think the US should manufacture goods here. We would have had a much better response to coronavirus if we were manufacturing our own masks.

But now, it is a political campaign to turn up the new Cold War and to advance Donald Trump's national security doctrine that his defense secretary James Mattis introduced in 2018, where the Defense Department declared that the US was moving from the war on terror into great power competition with China and Russia.

Immediately, we started to see more negative coverage of China. We started to see more US interest in advancing kind of human rights narratives about what China was doing to the Uygurs, for example.


The conflict in Xinjiang had been going on for many years. So, why did we all of a sudden start to hear about the "supposed plight of the Uygur people" in 2019? The NED has been supporting the World Uygur Congress for decades, but why is this happening now? People in the media don't ask this question. They simply look for the new Cold War outrage because it brings readers in and it advances their careers.

Starting in 2017, because they were told that Russia had helped Donald Trump steal the election, the US public was brought into the first part of the new Cold War - a great power competition with Russia. This advanced the agenda of the National Security State and helped justify the budgets of all of these different agencies.

Then, that fell apart. It fell apart last year as the Mueller Report came out - there wasn't any proof that Donald Trump had directly colluded with Russia. And now, we have the second part of the new Cold War with China.

There is a kind of 9/11 or Pearl Harbor moment with coronavirus, where the National Security State can work through a political element. In this case, the Trump administration, which is desperate to deflect from its own failure in preventing coronavirus from coming to the US and exploding, and they can advance the second part - turning the American public against China.

US President Donald Trump addresses a news conference at the White House in Washington D.C., the United States, on March 13, 2020. File photo: Xinhua

And, if you look at opinion polls of American opinion - Democrat, Republican, left and right on China - last year compared to this year, it is amazing to see how much it has changed. It is incredibly negative right now. I think 70 percent of Americans see China as the greatest threat to the US. Last year, it was lower than 50 percent. Propaganda works!

While I'm not a cheerleader for China. I'm not claiming I'm an expert on China. I understand what's happening in my country and how dangerous this propaganda is and how dangerous a new Cold War will be to the US.

I'll give you one example because you asked about how this hurts our response to coronavirus. There was an article in the New York Times two days ago, stating that the US government is not sure whether it will allow shipments of N95 masks and other personal protective equipment into the US from China because it will advance China's propaganda efforts. Because of the widespread hatred that they have stirred up against China, we will not have this protective equipment that we need.

The only way out of the epidemic is through cooperation, because, unfortunately, we live in a globalized world where we're all interdependent. And, I don't think the US actually has the ability to completely cut itself from a powerful country like China. It's just impossible.

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read more:

US system fuels Trump team's political hooliganism: Global Times editorial

To win in the elections, there is nothing else White House can do than to pass the buck to China. And the only way to achieve that goal is to create more friction with China to keep the China-US tensions and “hold China accountable” hot topics. 

Washington's plot hard to sustain with new virus discoveries: Global Times editorial

The Trump administration will eventually pay the price for its reckless trick of passing buck to China.

US messes up manipulation of virus origin: Global Times editorial

Global scientists have never been US government puppets. The gene sequence of the novel coronavirus tells, just like more upcoming evidence, how Washington will pay for its lies. 

Pompeo betrays Christianity with lies: Global Times editorial

Pompeo has been lying. He has brought shame to the evangelical Christians in the US, misusing their trust in the Republican party. He is no doubt a degenerate politicians and despicable from the  

Pompeo's anti-China bluff strategy reveals all-or-nothing mentality to fool US voters:

Pompeo is indulging in a solo performance that has failed to adhere to the professional standards expected of a chief diplomat. His claims are not supported by scientists or reliable intelligence. It is foreseeable that this politician, who has lost his moral compass, will continue to surprise the world with his absurd theories and twisted facts.

1 million COVID-19 infections show US no super power:

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the US exceeded 1 million on Tuesday, making the country the only one with more than a million infections. More than 56,000 people have died from COVID-19 in the US. On Monday, global coronavirus cases passed 3 million, meaning one in three patients is in the US. The US government has failed its people and also failed the world. 

Americans to suffer from Trump's buck passing: Global Times editorial

The US response to the epidemic is undoubtedly one of the worst in the world. While the country's powerful elites should shoulder inescapable responsibility, the Trump administration's wrongdoing turn out to be mostly blameful.

Political motives behind China smears: Global Times editorial

China's achievement in the fight against COVID-19 is way better than that of the US. But China is confronting waves of accusations, which have been launched by Washington, and supported and followed by other Western countries and forces.

Pompeo an enemy to world peace: Global Times editorial

Lies may fulfill Pompeo's personal ambition, but they will never accomplish the US dreams to be "great again." Pompeo is not only a figure harmful to world peace, but also should be listed as the worst US secretary of state in its history.

Anti-virus gap with China to crush Washington lies: Global Times editorial

A country's public image is ultimately earned by its efforts, rather than empty talk or lies. Chinese people should keep calm and maintain confidence and patience.
Source: Global Times | 2020/4/26 20:33:40

WHO should probe US' virus misconduct: Global Times editorial

Since the situation is grave, we strongly call on the WHO to intervene in the investigation in the US' initial COVID-19 spread. The WHO's participation can ensure that the investigation is not distorted by the upcoming presidential election. It can also ensure that the conclusions are scientific rather than simply catering to politics. People need to see true reports that are responsible for history.

EU COVID-19 review should avoid politicizing WHO

China welcomes and has decided to be part of WHO's global collaboration initiative to accelerate the development and production of vaccines and drugs against COVID-19 and ensure their equitable distribution.
 Washington's plot hard to sustain with new virus discoveries: Global Times editorial

Related posts: Founder of The Grayzone disputes conspiracy theories targeting China

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What Do You Want from Us? Message to Donald Trump, western media attacking China’s COVID-19 record

Enough is enough. Enough hypocrisy for this one world.

What do you want from us, anyway? What Do You Really Want from Us?

When we were the sick man of Asia, we were called “the yellow peril”.

When we are billed to be the next superpower, we are called “the threat”.

When we were poor, you invaded our cities and erected signs reading, “No dogs or Chinamen Allowed”.

When we’re rich and loan you cash, you blame us for your national debts.

When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open our markets, by Opium Wars ...

When we embrace free trade, you blame us for taking away your jobs.

When we tried communism, you hated us for being communist.

When we embrace capitalism, you hate us for being capitalist.

When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and wanted your “fair share”. When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again, “Free Tibet”, you screamed, It was an invasion!

When, because of you, Xinjiang and Tibet were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law.
Read more: India: Violations of the Right to Food and Work Rampant Across the Country, Made Worse by Aadhaar

When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it violating human rights.

When we had a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet. When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights.

When we build our industries, you call us polluters.

When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.

When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide.

When you invade countries for oil, you call it liberation.

When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech. When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed xenophobes.

“Do you understand us, we asked”? “Of course we do”, you said, “We have Fox News and CNN and The Economist.”

And today in 2020, we are doing our best to cope with an unknown virus epidemic, but nothing we do is good enough to please you. 

We quarantined the infected area but your CNN publishes a dirty article telling us that’s “too aggressive”, and that we are “violating human rights” and making “a blueprint for racial segregation”. But if we didn’t do that, you would condemn us for not taking stronger measures.(1)

So what do you really want from us?

Enough is enough. Enough hypocrisy for this one world.

China’s leaders don’t need to be directed by the USA, and Americans are not entitled to teach China about “peace” or “human rights” or anything else.

And why isn’t this earth big enough for all of us?


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Speak out against foreign attacks on China’s COVID-19 record 
US President Donald Trump speaks during a Coronavirus Task Force press briefing at the White House in Washington, DC, on Sunday. Photo: AFP
As the COVID-19 pandemic is raging around the world, Western society is shirking from its responsibility in the COVID-19 fight by blaming China. Some Western politicians also have suggested China should be held accountable. Some extreme politicians and social figures even linked this with the US Treasury bonds and China's overseas assets. Western intelligence agencies have deliberately spread incorrect information, suggesting the source of the virus was a Chinese lab. Some Western media outlets have colluded with these intelligence agencies to spread fake news.

The goal of the above actions is clear: They are trying to use the pandemic to launch a full-scale attack against China. First, they made huge economic claims. Some Western civil society groups have initiated suits against China, which could pose legal threats to overseas Chinese assets in the future. Some Western countries will support these claims, using the excuse that legal actions cannot be interfered with. Second, they will try to make China bear the political responsibility for the pandemic. Third, they deliberately link China and Chinese people to the virus.

During this critical period in the global pandemic, some Western countries and social figures are using rumors to hype public opinion and stir up domestic populist sentiment. They are attempting to blame China, trying to shirk their responsibility in the COVID-19 fight. At present, almost all Chinese embassies in Western countries are sending statements and articles to the Western media clarifying the facts and refuting rumors. This also shows that this public opinion offensive is gaining momentum in the West.

For those who are hyping the public opinion offensive, they first want to shirk their responsibility by attacking China, instead of reflecting on their own incompetence in dealing with the virus. Second, they are trying to discredit China's aid to the world by labelling it so-called atonement, and they are trying to prevent people from objectively understanding China's COVID-19 fight. They claim that China should bear all responsibilities, are seemingly preparing to bargain with China after the epidemic. They want to turn China's economic achievements after the epidemic into their fruit by demanding compensation from China. Finally, in future analysis of the epidemic they plan to stigmatize China and form a non-stop attack on Chinese society, seeking a long-term advantage over China's politics, economy and culture.

The facts speak louder than lies and rumors. China's achievements in its COVID-19 fight is the most powerful response to Western deceit. The pandemic is a threat facing all humanity, and the COVID-19 fight requires the joint effort of the whole world. The difficulties encountered by China in the early stage are also faced by other countries. China has been working hard to release transparent information to the world in a timely manner. China has made significant contributions to the global fight against the pandemic. These are the facts.

Chinese society should not lower its guard and take the public opinion offensive seriously. In addition to the strong clarifications through official diplomatic channels, we should make every effort to convey more facts to the world through other channels. First, we should explain the situation of Wuhan and China more fully to the world. Second, we must resolutely refute all rumors and all attempts to stigmatize China, and stop public opinion offensive against any country or group. Third, we should unmask all attempts at stigmatization before they turn into a stereotype.

Wuhan's medical staff, volunteers and people who experienced the COVID-19 fight, influential entrepreneurs, celebrities and media personnel, all need to actively speak to the world and present facts from their own perspective. The true voices of Chinese society are the best testimony.

Our voices need to be heard by the world. We should make countries all over the world treat China and China's COVID-19 fight in a practical and realistic way. All responsible international organizations and personnel also need to voice their objective and serious opinions. Only multifaceted voices can reflect the reality. This is an important opportunity for the world to fairly see the real China.

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Bild editor sells soul attacking China's virus record

A medical worker wears a protective mask during the coronavirus pandemic on Friday in New York. Photo: AFP

The coronavirus outbreak is sending shockwaves across the world and triggering various reactions. The anti-virus fight in the US has been quite chaotic. As the presidential election looms large, the Trump team has passed the buck to China by accusing China of concealing the epidemic which led to its losses and used it as a means to shift domestic anger. On the one hand, this seriously violates international ethics, while on the other the behavior has its own logic from the perspective of US domestic politics.

It can also be traced to other countries that failed to effectively contain the spread of the virus and ducked responsibilities to China, as they face enormous domestic pressure and feel the need to attack China in coordination with the US government.

Intellectuals and cultural elite in each country are supposed to think independently and stick to morality. They should respect facts and not lend a helping hand to conspiracies.

Bild, Germany's largest newspaper, recently listed a "bill" that China needs to pay for the coronavirus outbreak in Germany. Its editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt also made a video maliciously attacking China. Obviously, he is taking a free ride of US President Donald Trump and finding fault with China.

Chinese public opinion was harsh on the initial handling of the outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and relevant officials in Hubei and Wuhan were dismissed. The miscalculation in Wuhan was they underestimated the destruction of the virus and downplayed its risks to the public. However, it did not hinder the communication between Chinese and foreign scientists. All data were sent out, including a thesis by Chinese scholars in international academic journals. If the outside world had kept a high alert toward the virus, they could have had their own assessment of the data.

Based on lessons learned from the SARS outbreak, concerns over worse situations in Wuhan rose in mid-January in Hong Kong and other regions. And the worries came mostly from public information from Wuhan.

On January 20, China confirmed human-to-human transmissions of the coronavirus and made it public. Although completing the process was a bit slow, at the global level, the time lost could have been compensated by taking resolute measures. This was especially true for those countries far from China.

Wuhan issued a notice locking down the city in the early hours of January 23, a message so shocking it was like banging the drum in front of all countries, including the US and Germany.

From that day on, China rapidly mobilized. Several big cities one or two thousand kilometers away from Wuhan promptly brought the situation under control. And in only about one virus incubation period, regions outside Wuhan in China had seen a gradual decrease in confirmed cases by February 4.

No case had been reported in Germany by the time Wuhan was locked down, nor had the UK or Italy. France reported its first case on January 25, the first in Europe.

China was the only main battlefield at that time, while the global situation went well. If all countries began to attach importance to the epidemic from January 23, track every confirmed case and close contact and adopt timely quarantine measures, European countries would not be hit by the virus one after another, nor would the US witness thousands of deaths every day.

What was the Bild doing then? What were other European media outlets doing? Why didn't they interview European epidemic prevention experts? Why didn't they sound the alarm to Europeans about the possible outbreak in the continent? Unfortunately, many Western media were criticizing and mocking Wuhan's lockdown and accusing China of violating human rights. To this day, some Western reporters are still expressing negative attitudes toward the lockdown.

Some large Chinese cities, one or two thousand kilometers away from Wuhan, have controlled the deaths of COVID-19 within 100 or even 10. However, in Europe and the US, the epidemic has gone out of control. The total number of deaths in Europe and the US have exceeded 100,000 and 40,000, respectively. Should China be blamed? Is it in line with common sense?

Some people choose to blame it all on China, arguing that if China had initially controlled the epidemic, then it would not have been like this. However, such a complaint is not supported by reason. It has become a topic in the US and Europe because it has been deliberately hyped in a distorted way.

None of the major European countries prevented the initial outbreak of the epidemic, and neither did the US. How many misjudgments and contempt are behind this? Why should Wuhan be specifically blamed by the world when it failed to prevent the virus initially? This is a medieval-style framing. It appears in the West today, which is an evil resurrection.

Those blaming China have unjustified purposes. The Trump administration is for the reelection, and British and Australian officials echoed the US, so as to show the loyalty of the "Five Eyes" to Washington. As for Bild, it obviously wants to be in the limelight in the German media. They are virtually selling their soul.

Judging from Julian Reichelt's fierce remarks during his interview with German media, he has no compassion for the infected patients and deaths. Neither does he have the goodwill to promote global solidarity against the pandemic. All he knows is to intensify opposition between China and the West to hype himself. He is undoubtedly a typical rogue figure in the global intellectual community in this turbulent era. He is a shame of German media.

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Australia joins US bandwagon over virus policy

Photo taken on April 4 shows a notice of asking people to stay at home in Fairlight, Sydney, Australia. Photo: Xinhua

From being the first to ban Chinese technology giant Huawei from its 5G network, hyping China's growing global influence, to alleging Chinese infiltration in its domestic politics, Australia has acted in recent years more and more like a petty follower of the US, which is costing its independent policy-making.

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak worldwide, Australia again did not miss the chance to talk on behalf of the US. Following the various unwarranted accusations and blame of China stemming from the US, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne on Sunday expressed her concern of China's transparency over its handling of the novel coronavirus, which she said was at a "very high point," and demanded an international investigation into the origin of the virus.

Such so-called investigations sound all too familiar, as similar investigations of China have been urged by the US President and a number of extreme US politicians ever since the coronavirus started to hit the US hard.

Copying the US seems to be an easy tactic for Australia. But where is Australia's own Asia policy or more precisely, China policy?

Australia has been recalibrating its Asia policy, which seems to have failed. The core of Australia's Asia policy lies in its China policy and relations Australia wants to have with China. There is no area of importance to Australia politically that doesn't have a China dimension to it, not to mention that China is Australia's largest source of tourists and largest trading partner.

However, the debate in Australia in recent years has largely centered on China as inimical to Australian interests and poses a threat.

Therefore, Australian politicians are engineering a divorce from China in the context of US policy objectives. Given the importance of China-Australia relations, without an independent foreign policy, Australia can only render its China relations a victim of the US containment strategy toward China.

There has been a lack of mutual trust between China and Australia. Being part of the Asia-Pacific, Australia wants to walk one step closer and play a bigger role in Asian affairs. But it still leaves the other foot in the US-dominated Asian order, a deliberate effort to make clear where it stands and a manifestation of its distrust of China.

As some argued, President Trump is restoring America as a selfish state among selfish states. It certainly serves no Australian interest if Australia becomes one of them. China is building a cooperative architecture in the Asia-Pacific region to push forward joint development rather than dominate the region.

Australia should actively get involved in the development of such an architecture instead of being hijacked by US strategic interests. Amid this global fight against the coronavirus outbreak, it is absolutely wrong to use it as an excuse to engage in political point scoring with the US and its egotistical president.

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 Experts: Accusation that Covid-19 virus originates in lab is false and wrong

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Update Coronavirus world map:

Contamination at CDC lab was likely cause of critical early delays in rolling out coronavirus testing

CNN - By Sara Murray, Nick Valencia

What is the truth?

Obama made an appeal to 300 US mayors: You must tell the truth!

Obama said that as the mayor, in this case, the biggest mistake is to "provide the wrong information" to the people. He appealed to the mayors: "Tell the truth, and make it clear, let the people feel your sympathy."

And the truth Obama said is the truth that Trump misled people not to wear masks! In fact, what the world wants is not this truth. The truth that the United States and the people of the world need to know is: How did the virus come from? Was it caused by Trump to harm the world?

Only by telling the truth can we really save the epidemic in the United States, otherwise the Americans will be in the dark!

Possible truth


The truth is that the United States is the most obsessed with biological warfare in the world today. The United States has more than 200 biochemical laboratories worldwide.

A report from the Pentagon pointed out that the cost of biological warfare is extremely low, killing 65,000 people for $ 0.29!


The United States will never allow other countries to sit on par with it, as long as it reaches 70% of him. Therefore, almost at
this point, the United States destroyed the Soviet Union and abolished Japanese economic might.

Now it's China's turn.

War with China will not work, because China's military power is not in the same grade as those in the Middle East, and there are atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs in their possession, and Dongfeng Intercontinental Missiles are even more mightily sophisticated.

Fighting the trade war, China is the country with the most complete manufacturing system in the world, and the sanctions imposed by the United States on trade does not bear effective results.

So, the United States thought of the thing that could kill 65,000 people for $ 0.29.


The key to engaging in biological warfare is not to set fire to self-immolation. To deal with China's stuff, it must be tailor-made. Only the yellow races are killed, and the whites are immune.

Therefore, the American Gilead Company had smuggled more than 5,000 Chinese serum disguised as dog serum samples, and was caught and punished by China.

At this point, we have only remembered what the Japanese Minister of Finance Taro Aso said at the end of February: The new crown virus is only a disease targeting Asians. This  paragraph is expression of truth.

More directly, the Governor of New York State said at an outbreak press conference: "We thought this virus only attacked the Asian immune system."


Because the New Corona virus was originally a virus tailor-made for Asians in the United States, so from the early stage of the outbreak of China, Trump said: Soon after, I will send a big gift to China.

What is this gift? It is an antidote.

In early February, shortly after the closure of Wuhan, American pharmaceutical companies hyped their own antidote ~ "Remdisivir" came on stage! Facing a new virus that has never been seen before, how does the United States know the antidote?

On March 2, Trump still vowed to say "The United States will produce vaccines, soon, really."

Not only do we have vaccines, but also therapies on March 3 Trump declares! Another meaning of therapy is that it can be cured. "

On March 16, the first batch of "white mice" in the United States received vaccination. The United States is not the first country to have an epidemic outbreak. How did it conduct R & D trials and come up with antidote and vaccine at the speed of light?

Even more exciting is that this company that produces antidote and vaccine is the main contractor of the US Department of
Defense's biological warfare project, and the major shareholder is the former US Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.

Should n’t researching vaccines and testing antidote be the work of pharmaceutical laboratories? How could it be the ‘Biological Warfare Lab’ to study? Why does the United States know that the new corona virus vaccine is a biological warfare, rather than an epidemic infectious disease like
smallpox, cholera, and Ebola virus?


Time to recall to summer 2019

At that time, due to inadequate safety training and slack management, the virus laboratory in Maryland had a virus leak. This project was closed after just over a month.

But the big mistake has been made, the virus has spread out, and in the two nearby towns that were first affected, people have suffered from a strange lung disease-the white lung, which is exactly the same as the new coronary pneumonia.

It ’s hard to expose, as it ’s also a military secret. The virus must be covered, and it ’s also necessary to find someone to be a

As a result, the e-cigarettes that had appeared as early as 2003 suddenly became the scapegoat for the cause of white lungs. When the flu outbreak occurred, the e-cigarette hypes could finally be put down as the cause. The so-called white lungs are flu.


It was October 18-27, 2019. During the Wuhan Military Sports competition the US biochemical soldiers disguised as Trojan horses and mixed into Wuhan City. Wuhan was darts!

After poisoning, the United States has been waiting for good news.

When the Chinese epidemic broke out, the US Department of Commerce immediately couldn't bear the joy, and openly said:  China's epidemic will help the manufacturing industry return to the United States.

In other words, China is poisoned! Yay!


The United States holds the antidote, there is no fear, lest the world is not chaotic, so it expects the epidemic to be as serious as possible. When the world is in chaos, the United States will sell the world's vaccine and antidote, gain fame and fortune, and more importantly, whether it sells China or not, it depends on Trump's mood. Wow, thinking of this, the White House couldn't sleep in excitement.

More importantly, this virus is only for Asians, Caucasians are fine, Trump can sit back and relax, you see that he does not wear a mask when the epidemic is most serious.


The villain is all day long, and the gentleman is not too late for ten years—Chinese proverb.

Trump, the villain, has been blowing all day long since then:

No one knows the virus better than me. Our country is doing great. 

You do n’t need to wear a mask, we have full control of the situation. One day the virus will disappear like a miracle.

We almost suppressed the virus from China. Now there are 15 diagnoses, and it will be zero in a few days. 

The virus is a prank. I think it ’s okay to meet, it ’s very safe, you do n’t need to go to the hospital to see a doctor ........................
How you listen, Trump behaves like a general director with an antidote in his hand and a script in his heart.


The government calculated that it hurt Chinese life.

The result that the United States did not expect was that the Chinese government led 1.4 billion Chinese people to control the epidemic in two months, thus becoming the safest place in the world. 

What the Americans did not expect was that the United States actually became The highest number of diagnoses and the most dangerous place in the world! 

Not only did the manufacturing industry not return to the United States, but it also ushered in the Great Depression. People all over the world are speculating when the behemoth of the United States will fall!

God bestows immense love to China, after this battle, became more united and got a real immunization; the so-called  vaccines, so-called therapies that were not effective in the ground, the United States is 'enjoying' its retribution, pale and weak Wuhan pneumonia, Chinese pneumonia, 

The sickness of the yellow race has become an unfulfilled dream in the mouth of the White House and its running dogs. What a joke.

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