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Showing posts with label educational. knowledge sharing. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2023

Stopping online gambling

The gambling 'godfathers'

Probe on patrons behind gambling

KUALA LUMPUR: Describing it as the “biggest obstacle” for his ministry, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail says there is an element of political patronage in online gambling activities in Malaysia.

“To say that online gambling in Malaysia is free from political patronage, people will laugh at it. So yes, there is indeed an element of political patronage.

“From there comes influence and protection, from there comes corruption and bribery (and) the lack of political will to fight this matter all the way.

“The players (gambling syndicates) are protected and (will) return the favour to their political masters who protect them so that no action will be taken,” he said when replying to a supplementary question from Datuk Ramanan Ramakrishnan (PH-Sungai Buloh) in the Dewan Rakyat here yesterday.

He added that this political patronage was the biggest obstacle for the ministry, the police and the government as a whole in their efforts to address the issue.

Saifuddin Nasution said the relevant laws need to be amended – such as the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953 and the Betting Act 1953 – to cover offences related to illegal online gaming platforms.

“It is now 2023 and the 1953 laws have never been amended,” he said, adding there had been efforts to make amendments to the Acts in 2019 but it was slow moving and thus unsuccessful.

Saifuddin Nasution said he will discuss the matter with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as both laws are under the purview of the Finance Ministry.

He said amending the 70-year-old laws to cover online gambling will show that the authorities are determined to combat the menace.

“In 1953, gambling or betting only involved cockfighting, but now when the police want to take action, the authorities would lose the case.

“We are still using the same Acts.

“If the police take action and they (gamblers) challenge it in court, they will win (because) online gambling is not included in these two Acts.

“The highest penalty under the Act is RM50,000.

“This (penalty) is incompatible against the multibillion-ringgit online gambling industry,” he added.

Saifuddin Nasution also said the authorities have blocked around 2,119 online gambling websites from 2021 until May 2023, only for mirror sites to pop up to replace them.

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Sunday, April 16, 2023

China Makes the First Quantum Chip "Refrigerator", China's Innovations That Have Sparked International Interest, No Longer Needs Foreign EDA Tools!


The Chinese manufacturer Benyuan Quantum has built the first quantum chip production line in China, laying the foundation for the mass production of quantum chips in China.

Following the quantum chip production line, China has made another breakthrough in quantum technology and created a "quantum chip refrigerator".

China's first 'refrigerator' for quantum chips put into use to ...

Photo: Screenshot of video from Science and Technology Daily

Photo: Screenshot of video from Science and Technology Daily

China's first "refrigerator for quantum chips" has been put into use to maintain a stable environment and enable the smooth operation of quantum chips, scientists revealed on Wednesday.

The "refrigerator," actually a high-vacuum box, has three cavities for storage and each can be controlled separately.

A smart system monitors the cavities in real time to maintain a high-vacuum state, according to a statement by the developer of the device, Origin Quantum Computing Technology Co, which is based in East China's Anhui Province.

A human-computer interaction function guarantees automated operation of the device, read the statement.

The Global Times learned from Origin Quantum that compared with a classic integrated circuit, a quantum chip requires a more complicated manufacturing process. Temperatures and conditions in the chip's environment, such as noise, vibration, electromagnetic waves and even super-small particles, would have an impact on the quantum chip.

If the strict environmental conditions are not maintained, superconducting materials can easily react chemically with oxygen and water vapor in the air, absorbing various impurities. As a result, the key components of the chip may fail to burn in and would not function correctly.

Scientists have compared the burn-in process with "food going bad" in the air and dubbed the high-vacuum box as a "refrigerator for quantum chips."

Quantum chips are the "brains" of quantum computers, which use quantum mechanics to perform certain computations far more efficiently than a regular computer.

Although the general public is mostly unfamiliar with quantum computers and their capabilities, the Spring Festival box office hit The Wandering Earth II offered a fictional opportunity for people to comprehend the immense computing power these machines possess.


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Saturday, September 25, 2021

That sinking feeling from Down Under: Australia, United Kingdom and United States (Aukus) pact

AUKUS: a blunder follows a mega mess - New Age:  

US president Joe Biden speaks on national security with British prime minister Boris Johnson and Australian prime minister Scott Morrison in East Room of the White House in Washington, DC on September 15. — Agence France-Presse/Brendan Smialowski -


US President Joe Biden, in announcing on video the Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (Aukus) pact

What does the Aukus deal for Asia?

The Aukus military alliance essentially signals to the world that money spent on real war is preferred to money spent on social justice at home and concerns for people and planet.

LAST week, US President Joe Biden, in announcing on video the Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (Aukus) pact, called Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison “that fellow from Down Under” in what appears to be a senior moment.

Considering that the military alliance has upset a lot of people from China, France and even their own commentators should not have been surprising.

Has Australia, one of the four advanced Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development or OECD countries from the Asian region (Japan, South Korea and New Zealand) seriously thought through Aukus implications on her Asian neighbours?

First, do eight nuclear submarines by 2040 make serious military sense for Australian security?

We can understand that a maritime power in the South Pacific with lots of coastal waters to patrol needs a strong navy.

But as former Prime Minister Paul Keating rightly pointed out, China is a land-based power and being over 3,200km away from Australia, does not present a military threat to Australia.

Assuming that the nuclear submarines will be similar to those planned by the United States, which will acquire 12 of the Columbia class nuclear submarines for US$128bil (RM535bil) by 2030 (the US Government Accountability Office), Australia may be paying at least US$85bil (RM355bil) for equipment that may be obsolete by the time they come onstream.

By 2040, even the US director of National Intelligence has admitted that China’s gross domestic product or GDP (22.8% of world GDP) would outclass the United States (20.8%). Twenty years is a long time to improve defences against submarine attacks.

Submarines have at best deterrent effects under conventional warfare, but their real threat comes from carrying nuclear missiles. But even the potential of carrying such missiles would invite enemy nuclear retaliation.

This is exactly why Asean countries like Malaysia and Indonesia showed serious concern that the Aukus deal may become a catalyst to the nuclear arms race.

If that is the case, Australia would lose her status as a haven for nuclear-free living, something that New Zealand cares seriously about, which is why she distanced herself from the deal.

Second, which businessman would spend nearly the same amount of money that he earns to point a gun at his best customer?

China imported US$100bil (RM418bil) in 2020 from Australia, with the latter earning a trade and service surplus of USS$55.5bil (RM235bil).

Then to spend US$85bil (RM355bil with likely huge over-runs based on past experience) on defence against your top trading customer defies business logic.

Third, the Anglosphere military alliance created a split with Europe, already sore after Brexit and Kabul. France is not only the first foreign ally (helping in the US Independence War against Britain) of the United States, but also has serious Indo-Pacific interests with 93% of her maritime economic exclusivity zone (10.2 million – the second largest in the world – located there.

Fourth, you have to ask whether Australian military intelligence is an oxymoron when it recently ordered 70-tonne US Abram tanks that are too heavy to carry by train across Northern Territory bridges nor by road to defend the northern Australia coast.

Climate change

Her Asian neighbours would be much happier if Australia took the lead in the Asia-Pacific region on climate change, rather than spending on arms.

Amongst the rich countries, Australia has the highest per capita emission rate, similar to the United States.

But out of 200 countries, Australia ranks fifth or sixth as the biggest global emitter, so her voice on fulfilling the requirements of the Paris Accord matters.

Unfortunately, given the huge influence of the mining lobby, Australia may not even achieve her Paris agreement to cut emissions by 26% to 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, let alone improve on that commitment by the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties or COP26.

Australia may be rich enough to mitigate against her own risks of climate warming, but the effect of climate change on her neighbours, particularly the Pacific Islands is going to be devastating.

In 2019, Pacific island nations such as Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Timor Leste and Tonga declared that by 2030, their land could become uninhabitable by rising seas, water salination, reef destruction and more natural disasters.

Biodiversity decline

The latest World Bank model suggests that the global decline in biodiversity and collapse in ecosystem services such as wild pollination, food from marine fisheries and timber from native forests could result in US$2.7 trillion (RM11 trillion) decline in global GDP by 2030.

The injustice is that the poorest countries, including those in Asia-Pacific will bear most of such eco-system and GDP losses.

In particular, many indigenous people who depend on nature will bear the costs of loss of habitat and livelihood.

Why are we not surprised that on Sept 13, 2007, when the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by 144 member countries, the four votes against were the Anglosphere countries of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States? In all four rich countries, the record of treatment of the indigenous people have been shameful, such as the unmarked graves of indigenous school children in forced assimilation schools in Canada.

Human rights

According to Human Rights Watch, aboriginal and Torres Islander people comprise 29% of the Australian adult prison population, but just 3% of the population.

In the United States, states with large native populations have incarceration rates for American Indians of up to seven times that of whites.

The Aukus military alliance essentially signals to the world that money spent on real war is preferred to money spent on social justice at home and concerns for people and planet.

Who really profits from the nuclear submarine contract?

Look no further than the exclusive submarine suppliers such as General Dynamics (from the United States) and British Aerospace.

The Aukus deal confirms essentially that Australia opts to sink or swim with their rich Anglosphere few, rather than the global many.

Who said the world was fair?

Andrew Sheng writes on global issues from an Asian perspective. The views expressed here are the writer’s own

.Andrew Sheng | South China Morning Post

Tan Sri Andrew Sheng (born 1946) is Hong Kong-based Malaysian Chinese banker, academic and commentator. He started his career as an accountant and is now a distinguished fellow of Fung Global Institute, a global think tank based in Hong Kong.[1] He served as chairman of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) before his replacement by Martin Wheatley in

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