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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Tech giants explore new OpenAI opportunities as ChatGPT, the latest chatbot launched

  OpenAI, which Elon Musk helped to co-found back in 2015, is the San Francisco-based startup that created ChatGPT. The company opened ChatGPT up for public testing in November 2022. In under a week, the artificial intelligence model amassed over a million users, according to OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman. By the end of January, ChatGPT was averaging about 13 million visitors per day. Users have had ChatGPT write everything from essays, to lyrics and even correct computer code. ChatGPT is part of a growing field of AI known as generative AI, which allows users to create brand new content including videos, music and text. But generative AI still faces a number of challenges, such as developing content that is inaccurate, biased or inappropriate. Now enterprises and the public are wondering what wide access to AI will mean for businesses and society.

 Chapters: 00:00 — Intro 01:36 — Chatting with ChatGPT 03:03 — Understanding ChatGPT 06:39 — Use cases and limitations 10:09 — Future implications

Driving innovation: Nigerian artist Malik Afegbua creates hyper-realistic pictures of African people using artificial intelligence at his home in Lagos. China leads the world in this technology, as well as in the number of AI journals and related publications. — Reuters

SHANGHAI: Chinese tech companies are upping the ante in the fast-growing artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content sector as ChatGPT, the latest chatbot launched by US-based artificial intelligence research company OpenAI, gains wide popularity since its November debut and revolutionises the field due to its advanced conversational capabilities.

Leveraging machine learning algorithms, ChatGPT is able to mimic humanlike responses with AI-generated content (AIGC) and assist people with tasks such as writing essays and scripts, making business proposals and even checking programme bugs, which it does within seconds.

AIGC-related stocks continued to rally in the A-share market, with Chinese AI companies, such as Cloudwalk Technology and Speechocean, seeing their shares surge by the daily limit of 20% on the science and technology innovation board on Monday.

Experts said that AIGC is likely to become a new engine driving innovation in digital content production and freeing human creators from tedious tasks, with a wide range of commercial applications in fields such as culture, media, entertainment and education.

Chinese tech heavyweight Baidu Inc announced yesterday that it will complete internal testing of its AI chatbot service, similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, called “Ernie Bot” in March.

The Beijing-based company has invested large sums of money in developing its Ernie system, a large-scale machine-learning model that has been trained on massive data over several years and possesses in-depth semantic comprehension and generation capabilities.

Robin Li, co-founder and chief executive officer of Baidu, said in January that AIGC will subvert existing content production models in the next decade, and AI has the potential to meet massive demand for content at a 10th of the cost and a hundred or thousand times faster.

Jianying, an AI-powered short-video editing app launched by Chinese tech company Byte-Dance, allows users to generate creative videos by simply putting in a few keywords or a paragraph of text.

Online gaming company Net-Ease has released its AI music creation platform, Tianyin, where users can customise a song by entering lyrics.

Pan Helin, co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Centre at Zhejiang University’s International Business School, said that ChatGPT, as a milestone in AIGC-related technologies, uses reinforcement learning from human feedback to train the data model, with significant enhancements in natural language processing capacities that improve the logic of responses.

Chinese enterprises should step up efforts to roll out indigenous versions of the AI-powered chatbot and increase investments to improve related algorithms and computing power, Pan said.

Chen Jia, an independent strategy analyst, said: “Chinese tech enterprises have unique advantages in expanding AI application scenarios globally.”

China has made significant progress in developing the AI industry.

A Stanford University report showed that China filed more than half the world’s AI patent applications in 2021 and continued to lead the world in the number of AI journals, conference papers and related publications.

Baidu, Tencent and Alibaba have invested heavily in promoting the commercial use of AI, and some Chinese AI unicorns have grown rapidly in recent years, Chen said.

But he noted that Chinese tech companies lag behind top-notch foreign competitors in fundamental research and development input and comprehensive innovation abilities.

“AIGC is in the initial stage of development, and there is still a long way to go to realise large-scale commercialisation, as the application scenarios and related laws and regulations are far from mature,” said Guo Tao, deputy head of the China Electronic Commerce Expert Service Centre.

Meanwhile, the use of AIGC-related technologies raises concerns about ethics, copyright protection and privacy, he added.— China Daily/ANN 

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Monday, February 6, 2023

Trow mandarins in search of love

Hope this works: (from left) Ng, Khor, Lee and Chung seen at the waterfront. — LIM BENG TATT/The Star
GEORGE TOWN: Centuries ago, when maidens in China could not freely socialise, Chap Goh Meh – the 15th and last day of Chinese New Year (CNY) festivities – was the only evening when they could step out of their homes without being closely chaperoned.

As they went out, dressed in their Sunday best, to temples to pray for a blessed future, young men would be out on the streets too – because this was about the only time of the year when they could openly admire the lasses of their villages.

If a young lady stole their heart at first sight, a young man would then seek the services of a matchmaker to make the proper enquiries and hopefully, introductions.

That is how Chap Goh Meh became to be known as the Chinese equivalent of Valentine’s Day, while in Penang and other parts of Malaysia, another tradition was added to it.

Sometime in the 19th century, single Chinese ladies went out in groups to the seaside on Chap Goh Meh and tossed out mandarin oranges which, just like throwing coins into a well, would hopefully bring them good luck in the form of the man of their dreams.

This tradition has stuck around to this day and for Jess Ng, 26, and her three gal pals, the new in-thing for them is to do it by themselves instead of being stuck in a crowd.

“I never threw mandarins for Chap Goh Meh before because I didn’t like the traffic jams and the large crowd of people.

“This year, we decided that since this is our first time celebrating Chinese New Year together since the Covid-19 pandemic, we should try this mandarin-throwing,” Ng said with a laugh.

Ng, Star Khor, 22, Rachel Lee, 20, and Kelly Chung, 28, are all hairdressers who had their fair share of troubles during the pandemic, as hair salons were among the last types of businesses to be allowed to resume normal operations.

Ng said she did not currently have a boyfriend nor did she believe that throwing mandarins into the sea would really help her find one.

“But I wanted to do it just to celebrate the last day of CNY. I pray that the Year of the Rabbit would be a happy one for the world. Everyone has been through a lot and I hope this year, we will all find blessings,” she said.

Unlike Ng, Lee went ahead and scribbled her phone number with a permanent marker on her mandarins before throwing them.

“I wouldn’t know what to do if someone actually calls me and say they found my mandarin,” Lee laughed. 

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An all-in-one celebration of cultural diversity



Sunday, February 5, 2023

It’s a health scam at heart



PETALING JAYA: Retiree K. Niyani got a phone call supposedly from a clinic, offering her a free medical screening for her heart condition.

“They knew I am a heart patient and the details were correct. I’ve never signed up for anything with them, so it’s strange they knew my medical condition,” she said.

“The clinic insisted that I go for a screening although I told them I go for regular check-ups at a hospital.”

Niyani, 67, said the phone call came from a landline number.

The caller, she said, mentioned the name of the clinic.

Upon searching the Internet for the name, Niyani, from Penang, found that there was no such clinic.

Instead, the search results showed a “wellness centre” with the same name that offered spa services.

The call was likely a ruse to lure people into spending money on purported health packages they don’t need.

In such cases, the victims are told that the health screening is by invitation only.

One of the most common requirements is that the person must have a credit card.

They are sometimes required to share their credit card number and other financial and personal details, including MyKad numbers, during the call.

“Most important is that you must have a credit card. Remember, this is by invitation only and we are offering to people aged between 30 and 65,” said one such caller.

According to the caller, the offer was being made in conjunction with World Heart Day (which is marked annually on Sept 29.)

A check by The Star on some of the names of the organisations and clinics supposedly offering these services revealed that some of them did not exist.

Some of these callers even had information on the person’s health status, especially those with heart conditions.

Content writer Fila Rizal, 42, said she received such calls from a mobile phone number, offering a free heart screening at a clinic.

“This happened several times despite me declining the offer. I have never heard of such a clinic,” she said.

Another person – who wants to remain anonymous – took up the offer and went to a screening.

He said the consultation comprised checking the vein on a finger.

“The doctor then asked me to get a package which was quite costly. I didn’t quite understand the package but it had some supplements in it as well. I put my foot down, saying that I did not want any of it. And I left,” he said.

Another anonymous participant said the package offered to him cost more than RM10,000.

“I did not understand what the package was all about, but the price tag shocked me. In fact, there were a lot of confusing details. Maybe they hope you would just buy into it,” he said.

Public health advocate Datuk Dr Zainal Ariffin Omar said there is a possibility that scammers might have been given access to some health records by “irresponsible agents”.

Or the schemers might just be banking on general information on the Malaysian population’s health and disease statistics, he said.

“People must exercise common sense. If they have medical problems, go to a clinic or hospital.

“Do not engage in online consultations or other medical dealings,” said the former Health Ministry official.

“The ethics of screening of medical conditions must be done with proper consultation and follow-up.”

Unfortunately, such calls offering these supposedly free wellness screening packages are not new.

In July 2020, the National Heart Institute (IJN) issued an alert on its Facebook page cautioning the public against scam calls offering these so-called packages.

“We have been receiving calls from the public and our partners saying that they received a call from IJN offering free wellness screening packages and asking them to provide payslip, identification card and other personal documents to enrol for this screening,” it said.

“Please be aware that IJN does not engage with any third party to conduct any wellness screening promotion. We urge you not to provide your personal information and be mindful of the situation.” 

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Saturday, February 4, 2023

China reveals tailless concept for next-generation fighter jet


A concept model of a next-generation fighter jet was displayed at Airshow China 2022 held in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong Province in November 2022. Photo: Liu Xuanzun/GT

A promotional video released by the Chinese aviation industry on Tuesday featured computer generated images showing what analysts said on Wednesday could represent a concept of the country’s next-generation fighter jet, which reflects China’s determination to outpace the US in new warplane development.

The video, published in the WeChat video channel of the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), introduced China’s airborne radar development and featured near its end a computer-generated clip showing three unknown aircraft flying in formation.

The aircraft looked like the J-20 stealth fighter jet, but with no canards, tails or fins, and the diamond-shaped wings appeared bigger than those of the J-20, giving it what seems to be a blended wing-body configuration, observers said, who also speculated that it might be China’s next-generation fighter jet.

At the Airshow China 2022 held in Zhuhai, South China’s Guangdong Province in November 2022, AVIC put on display a concept model of a next-generation fighter jet, which also had a tailless design like the aircraft shown in the latest video.

Other countries are also conducting research and development into next-generation fighter jets, and tailless designs similar to the one shown by China are some of the most popular concepts, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military aviation expert, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

A tailless design will give the next-generation, or the sixth-generation, fighter jet superior stealth capability in all directions than current fifth-generation ones, and a blended wing body design will provide higher lift, longer range and lower fuel consumption. However, without vertical tails, the new aircraft will lose out on maneuverability if it does not use other designs or technologies to compensate, like thrust vectoring control-capable engines and split brake rudders, or other innovative approaches, analysts said.

With the project name Next Generation Air Dominance, the US’ next-generation fighter jet might also use a tailless design, according to a computer-generated rendering by US military warplane contractor Lockheed Martin, US news website Defense News reported in September 2022.

Based on the information available now, China has started research and development in terms of the next-generation fighter jet, and it is in a confident place to eventually outpace the US, Fu said. 

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Friday, February 3, 2023

Substance over style/form: ‘Dress down’ to suit current times

New style seen to project less bureaucracy

In a new dress-down era, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his Cabinet are paving the way with their ‘tie-less’ approach, which highlights less bureaucracy and formality. There is no point having government leaders in designer suits if they lack emotional intelligence and are corrupt, say image experts.

Less formal: Anwar is setting a trend for workplace dress code.


PETALING JAYA: The “dress down” culture of the government is being well-accepted all around, with experts saying the new approach highlights less bureaucracy and formality.

The post-pandemic environment has ushered in a trend of informality in the workplace, according to professional image consultant Dolly Kee.

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She said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who these days seldom wears a necktie, was conveying an image of a leader who wants to be seen as relatable, genuine, relaxed and approachable.

Anwar had opted for a pair of baju melayu and sandals when clocking in on his first day in office on Nov 25, 2022.

The PKR president chaired a no-tie Cabinet meeting on Dec 7, 2022. “It is definitely his deliberate choice which, when in the right environment and when he has confidence and stylish intention, can certainly work,” she said.

However, Anwar has been photographed wearing a complete suit and tie as well as songkok when having an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and other rulers, including the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, and the Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.

“The suit-and-tie look is highly recommended as a complete set for most professional and formal events or occasions.

“This is especially true for events involving an audience with royalty and high-level meetings with country heads and senior foreign dignitaries, as well as while attending parliamentary sittings, where the highest degree of decorum is to be expected,” she said.

She pointed out that batik shirts and the baju melayu could be vibrant alternatives to the formal suit-and-tie look.

“We are blessed with our beautiful batik shirts and baju melayu for men. The quality of each of the dress choices, such as long-sleeved batik shirts, offers our senior top officials the classy-style equivalent of the suit and tie.

“Generally, be it in the civil service or the corporate sector, if your boss doesn’t wear a tie, jacket or blazer, any subordinate who does will inadvertently commit the faux pas of ‘outdressing the boss’,” said Kee.

Urbane Academy Sdn Bhd founder Georgianna Das said times had changed as far as the professional dress code was concerned.

“Everyone should be comfortable wearing what they want to, as long as it’s not garish, vulgar or jarring to anyone. Malaysians would want leaders who have integrity and put the welfare of all citizens in the country first.

“There is no point having government leaders in designer business suits if they lack emotional intelligence and practise corruption, nepotism or cronyism,” said Das.

Deputy Health Minister Lukanisman Awang Sauni said most of the ministers and senior officers opted for the no-tie look as they wanted to display the same image as the prime minister.

“It’s a matter of individual choice and style whether to wear a tie or otherwise when attending official programmes,” he said. 

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Thursday, February 2, 2023

MNC spending a boon for Penang developers



 Demand for residential, commercial properties to grow

KUALA LUMPUR: Property developers in Penang are set to benefit from the opening of new factories by both local and multinational corporations (MNC) as well as state government projects and population growth.

In a sector report, Maybank Investment Bank Research (Maybank IB) identified S P Setia Bhd, Tambun Indah Land Bhd, IJM Corp Bhd and Eco World Development Group Bhd (EcoWorld) to be among the main beneficiaries from the growing Penang property market.

“More job opportunities have been created with the opening of more local and MNC factories and this has drawn demand for new residential and commercial properties, the former due to housing needs of the rising population base.”

The research house also pointed out that the Baru Kawan area could benefit from the Penang state government’s intention to develop a medical hub there as well as 1,156 acres within the Batu Kawan Industrial Park (BKIP) 2 in Byram, Nibong Tebal.

“These projects augur well for population growth and should continue to boost the demand for properties,” the research house noted in the report.

It added that Penang’s residential property sales rebounded strongly by 50% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2022, due to the economic recovery and despite the three overnight policy rate hikes since May 2022.

Maybank IB said S P Setia’s Setia Fontaines project in Bertam, on the Penang mainland, offers a similar eco theme as Setia Eco Park, but is more affordably priced like Setia Alam (both of which are in Shah Alam, Selangor).

“The project, which mostly offers landed properties, is expected to have a remaining development period of at least 25 to 30 years.”

Since the launch of Setia Fontaines in 2018, Maybank IB said the project has generated stable and growing sales for S P Setia.

“In 2021, Setia Fontaines contributed RM157mil sales or 4% of S P Setia’s Malaysian property sales.

“Catalysts to the project include an industrial park (850 acres) nearby, which could offer employment opportunities and attract new population to the area over the longer term.”

Separately, the research house said EcoWorld’s Eco Horizon project is strategically located in the heart of the Batu Kawan commercial area and is riding on booming job opportunities and commercial activities there.

“The property development projects in Batu Kawan have become more mature.”

Maybank IB noted that the completion of Penang’s second bridge in 2014 and the new BKIP are the game changers for the Batu Kawan area.

“Apart from its prime location, we attribute the success of Eco Horizon to right product offerings, namely landed properties versus its peers that are mostly involved in high-rise.”

“In its financial year 2022 (FY22), Eco Horizon contributed 12% to EcoWorld’s total sales,” Maybank IB noted.

Meanwhile, Maybank IB said IJM’s The Light City project in Gelugor, Penang, will be a mega integrated waterfront project comprising two towers of premium condominium units, a retail mall, offices, a convention centre and a hotel.

“The retail mall, offices, hotel rooms and convention centre are slated for completion by 2025.

“By then, we believe The Light City would reshape the commercial market of Penang island as the major commercial spaces are currently located at the north of Penang island,” it said.

It added that IJM is in advanced stages of negotiations with a hotel operator from China but is making no changes to its earnings forecasts for the group, at the moment.

Separately, Maybank IB said Tambun Indah’s Pearl City project in Simpang Ampat is a good proxy to the booming Batu Kawan area.

“Tambun Indah has been careful in launching new projects and has focused on clearing unsold stocks over the last few years.

“Its average take-up rate continued to improve to 81% as at September 2022 (from 79% as at June 2022).”

Maybank IB noted that Tambun Indah’s main products are generally affordable, landed properties. In the third quarter of this year, the company will be launching Dahlia Garden in Pearl City.

“Dahlia Garden, which has an estimated gross development value of RM107mil, will comprise residential terraces (185 units) and semi-detached houses (24 units) priced between RM470,000 to RM650,000 per unit.”

For the nine-month period of Tambun Indah’s FY22, Maybank IB estimated the developer’s locked-in property sales stood at RM133.2mil, which is 2.3% above its FY22 sales target of RM130mil.

“Tambun Indah usually has relatively lower unbilled sales (RM90mil as at end-September 2022) than its peers, as it only launches a new project when the project is 20% to 30% completed, hence it will hasten revenue recognition.” 

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Bersatu's accounts frozen more than 2 weeks ago, says MACC chief

Bersatu's accounts frozen | The Star


Bersatu's party accounts have been frozen by the MACC, just one day after the party declared its 2020 and 2021 accounts.

The matter was confirmed to Malaysiakini by Bersatu supreme council member, Muhammad Faiz Na'aman.

It is believed that the freeze is related to the MACC's probe on government funds amounting to RM92.5 billion of pandemic stimulus funds that were allegedly misappropriated. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Let’s aim to be fortunate


Dr. Wada in Japan advocates calling people over 70 years old as “fortunate people” rather than “elderly people”. He summed up the secret of 70-year-olds becoming “lucky ones” into “42 sentences”

Seniors over the age of 70 do not need regular physical examinations because the “standard of health” varies from person to person. He also said: “Don’t believe what doctors say.” This is because doctors are in contact with “patients”, so they do not understand what health is. At the same time, he also opposes the long-term use of multiple drugs by the elderly, and advocates “only take necessary drugs when necessary.” In other words, “taking medicine to prevent something” makes little sense.

According to this point of view, the elderly do not need to take sleeping pills frequently. Loss of sleep time as you age is a natural phenomenon, and no one dies from insomnia. 24 hours a day, sleep whenever you want, wake up whenever you want, this is the privilege of the elderly.

In addition, the cholesterol level that the elderly are generally worried about, even if it is high to a certain extent, there is no need to worry. Because cholesterol is the raw material for the body to generate immune cells. The more immune cells, the lower the risk of cancer in older people. in addition, part of the male hormone is also composed of cholesterol. If the cholesterol level is too low, men’s physical and mental health will be unsustainable.

Likewise, high blood pressure doesn’t matter at all. More than 50 years ago, human malnutrition was widespread. So, when blood pressure reaches around 150, the blood vessels burst. But very few people are malnourished these days, so even blood pressure over 200 won’t cause a blood vessel to burst.

Dr. Wada summed up the secret of 70-year-olds becoming “fortunate people” into “42 sentences”, as follows:

1, Keep walking

2 Take a deep breath when you feel irritable

3. Exercise so that the body does not feel stiff

4. Drink more water when the air conditioner is on in summer

5. The more you chew, the more energetic your body and brain will be

6 Memory declines not because of age, but because of long-term non-use of the brain

7. No need to take a lot of medicine

8. No need to deliberately lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels

9 Only do what you love, not what you hate

10. No matter what, don’t stay at home all the time

11. Eat whatever you want, the fat body is just right

12. Do everything meticulously

13. Don’t deal with people you hate

14. Rather than fighting the disease to the end, it is better to live with it

15. “The car must have a way to the front of the mountain” is the magic spell to make the old man happy

16 You can’t fall asleep and don’t force it

17. Doing happy things is best for boosting brain activity

18. Find a “family doctor” early

19. Don’t be overly patient or force yourself, there is nothing wrong with being a “bad old man”

20. Stop learning and you will grow old

21. Don’t be greedy for vanity, it’s good to have everything you have now

22. Innocence is the privilege of the elderly

23. The more troublesome things are, the more interesting they are

24. Do what is good for others

25. Live leisurely today

26. Desire is the source of longevity

27 Live as an optimist

28. Cheerful people will b popular.

29. The rules of life are in your own hands

30. Accept everything calmly


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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

China's Rise to Economic Superpower, economy stands out in global arena

China's Rise to Economic Superpower 

World Economy

As the world still grapples with supply-chain backlogs (partially) caused by China’s strict Covid-19 policies, it has become painfully obvious how vulnerable the global economy is to national or even regional disruptions, especially if they happen in China, the world’s number one supplier of goods.

Over the past few decades, China has grown to become the world’s manufacturing hub and largest goods exporter by a significant margin, turning it from emerging market into economic superpower. According to estimates from the IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook, the country will account for 18.8 percent of the world’s GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP). That’s up from just 8.1 percent two decade ago, when both the United States and the EU were miles ahead of China’s economic output.

Over the past 20 years, both the U.S. and the European Union have seen their economic superiority challenged, as new powers, such as China, India and others have emerged. While the U.S. saw its share of global GDP decline from 19.8 to 15.8 percent between 2002 and 2022, the EU’s share dropped from 19.9 to 14.8 percent of the same period.

The gap between China, the U.S. and the EU will likely widen over the next few years, as the economic outlook for the latter two is cloudy with a chance of recession, while China is expected to continue growing at mid-single-digit growth rates.

By Felix Richter 

Felix Richter
Data Journalist +49 (40) 284 841 557

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China’s economy stands out in global arena 


Steady trade: Workers use computer terminals to monitor remote operations at a container port in Tianjin. China has now become a major trading partner for more than 140 countries and regions, with its total trade of goods up 7.7% y-o-y in 2022, topping the world for six consecutive years. — AP 

 Annual average growth of 4.5% between 2020 and 2022, outpacing the world average of around 2%

BEIJING: In its three-year-long fight against Covid-19, China posted outstanding results in economic development and epidemic control, reinforcing its status as a leading engine for the global economy.

From 2020 to 2022, China’s economy posted an annual average growth of 4.5%, outpacing the world average of around 2%, according to Yuan Da, director of the Department of National Economy of the National Development and Reform Commission.

In 2022, the economy grew 3% year-on-year (y-o-y) to a record high of 121 trillion yuan (US$18 trillion or RM76.3 trillion), with the increment standing at 6.1 trillion yuan (RM3.8 trillion), equivalent to the economic aggregate of a medium-sized country.

It also marks a new and higher level in terms of economic aggregate after the Chinese economy topped the thresholds of 100 trillion yuan (RM62.5 trillion) and 110 trillion yuan (RM68.8 trillion) in 2020 and 2021, respectively – maintaining its position well as the world’s second-largest economy.

Analysts attributed the hard-won results to the country’s effective coordination in fighting Covid-19 and its economic fallouts simultaneously.

Thanks to effective virus control and timely pro-growth policies, China’s economy has quickly emerged from the epidemic-induced slump and consolidated its recovery momentum for a brighter outlook.

To cope with the constantly evolving epidemic situation, China has been dynamically optimising its control measures while enhancing the treatment and vaccination capacity, effectively safeguarding the lives and health of its 1.4 billion population at minimum costs.As of Jan 13, 92.9% of the Chinese population has been fully vaccinated, with more than 90% of people above 60 covered by vaccination.

With Omicron much less pathogenic and deadly, China, in December last year, announced ten new measures to lift numerous Covid-19 restrictions. On Jan 8, its management of Covid-19 was officially downgraded from Class A to Class B.

Less than one month after the optimisation of Covid-19 response measures in December 2022, China reported declining numbers of fever patients and critical Covid-19 cases as both had passed the peak. In the just-concluded Spring Festival holiday, China’s consumption made a strong comeback.

During the week-long holiday, sales revenue of China’s consumption-related sectors rose 12.2% from the same holiday period in 2022. Its cinemas sold 129 million tickets, generating a whopping revenue of 6.76 billion yuan (RM4.2bil), the second highest-grossing to date.

Wen Bin, the chief economist with China Minsheng Bank, said that warming demand at home would propel the turnaround in the Chinese economy this year and estimated the country’s full-year gross domestic product growth at around 5.5%.

Aside from the overall economic growth, China also made significant headway in maintaining consumer price stability, guaranteeing food and energy security, and improving people’s livelihoods.

In 2022, China’s consumer price index grew by 2%, a fraction of the increases reported in the United States, the eurozone and Britain. It is also lower than those of other emerging economies.

Amid a global food crisis, the country has secured a bumper harvest for the 19th year in a row, with its grain output at about 686.53 billion kg in 2022, up 0.5% from 2021.

A total of 11.86 million, 12.69 million, and 12.06 million new urban jobs were created in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively, all surpassing the targets set for each year.

Despite the gloomy global investment environment, China remains one of the most attractive investment destinations in the world.

Foreign direct investment in the Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded 6.3% y-o-y to 1.23 trillion yuan (RM768.8bil) in 2022.

China has now become a major trading partner for more than 140 countries and regions, with its total trade of goods up 7.7% y-o-y in 2022, topping the world for six consecutive years.

Recently, multiple international investment banks and financial institutions, including Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Barclays, and Natixis, have upwardly revised their forecast for China’s economic growth rate in 2023, betting on the country’s rosy prospects and strong resilience. — Xinhua

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